He holds up the moonstone, and fear breaks out in my camp. “I mean you no harm,” he shouts and places the stone on the floor.
I walk towards it and pick it up. “Thank you. Is there anything else?” My emotions are in my throat waiting to see if he’ll leave or say something more.
He takes the knee, bowing down to me. “I am no prince. I’m a fraud created by my father’s ignorance and my own pride. You may call me Titan, but not Prince.”
“The change in you suits you,” I say with a smile. My people will like him showing respect.
“Thank you, Rose.”
“Will you stay for supper?” I ask, unable to hold my tongue.
The crowd breaks out into discussion. I understand their concern, but I know this man and I trust he means us no harm.
“I would like that.” A ghost of a smile creeps onto his face. His focus stays solely on me.
“Then stand and let me show you to my potion class. We need someone to try them out.”
It’s a dare and we both know it, but he doesn’t seem fazed. He stands and walks towards me. The guards close in but keep a small distance as we walk up the hill.
“I’ve missed you,” he says, making me glance in his direction. That warm feeling stirs again.
There are so many things I want to say, but my thoughts are all jumbled up. “What took you so long to visit?” I finally ask.
“I was in no shape to try and win back your affection. My ribs were fractured, my mind was broken, and my coven was in a panic.”
Butterflies circle in my stomach. He does care. “And what about now?” I bite my lip in anticipation.
“I’ve realised only one thing matters.” He tries to reach for my hand, but the guard aims his gun. He holds both of his arms up in defence.
“Your forgiveness is bigger than just one person.” We have our magic back, but my coven might not be so forgiving.
“Who says I’m looking for redemption?” He smiles, and that self-assured smile is back.
“Okay, I’ll bite. What is the one thing that matters?”
“That I can be with you.”
My heart flutters because I want that too. “Doesn’t that mean you want my forgiveness?”
“If you want to give it. If not, you can spend the rest of my life tormenting me. Just don’t turn me away.”
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“I’m lovesick. I’m in love. With you.”
“So you’re willing to let me do whatever I want to you?” We’re back to our playful banter, and I’m glad he’s turned on the charm.
“Yes. Start with drinking these potions.” He points to the cauldrons once we reach them.
“Alice, scoop up your potion and give it to the prin… Titan.”
“Isn’t he the one who stole our magic?” she asks.
“His father used our magic, not Titan.”
She puts some of the potion into a test tube and hands it to him. He doesn’t hesitate as he drinks it down. I hold my breath, waiting to see what will happen. His eyes begin to glow the same colour as the liquid, and he tries to talk, but it’s like his tongue is too big for his mouth. He begins to sweat. It’s not human secretion, it’s more like slime, frog sweat. A croak leaves his throat before he transforms.
“Aw, broomsticks,” Alice says, shaking her fist in frustration.