“I thought you were here for a chance to be my bride,” I say with a grimace. I’m not used to being dismissed, and I’m suspicious of her motives. She tries to turn away from me, but I grab her arm. “Nobody brushes me off. What’s wrong? Don’t I make your heart race and your palms feel sweaty?” I’m being cruel, but I can’t help it. Her fake pleasantries are wasted on me. Something is simmering behind her eyes. She came here for a reason. Whatever her motive, I’m ready to leave her in here for a few more days to punish her.
She stands up tall. “I didn’t mean any disrespect, Sir. It’s my heritage I’m ashamed of. The Thorn family are not powerful witches. We are humble creatures. I don’t know what I was thinking when I came here, but now it’s clear I’m unworthy.”
She doesn’t strike me as modest, and a kind witch is not the sort of talent that would get her an invite to the castle. I’m not sure what’s she’s trying to hide, but there must be more to her than she’s portraying. She might be trying to fool me with this sweet charade, but I can see through it, and I’m going to enjoy the challenge of breaking her. She wouldn’t have been invited here if my mother didn’t see her family as worthy. There must be something more to her than she admits.
“Why did you come here? And don’t tell me any lies about wanting to marry a prince, or I’ll lock this door and leave you to rot.”
“Please, Sir. My sister, she’s sick, and we can’t afford the potions to fix her.” She holds her arms in a plea, but I’m not completely convinced of her confession. If what she’s saying is true, why not visit a potion specialist or a skilled witch?
“If I find out you’ve tried to deceive me again, I’ll spill your blood all over the floor and leave it to dry before I let them cart your body away.”
She stays calm and collected, which doesn’t match her words. “I’m sorry. I won’t lie again.” She shakes her head.
I narrow my eyes. She’s hiding something, and I’m going to enjoy finding out what. “Good. Now get cleaned up. You’re a mess. I’ll see you in the gardens in an hour.” If I have to endure the other girls, so can she. I want to keep a close watch over her.
I let go of her arm and turn to leave.
“Wait,” she says in an almost desperate voice.
We lock eyes again, but no more words come out of her mouth. Whatever her excuses are, I’m done listening to them. I touch her cheek and run my fingers down her neck to the lace of her dress. Her breath hitches, and the innocence I wasn’t sure she held is evident on her face. I lick my lips. I want to taste her, even though I shouldn’t. I need a wife who can help lead the Dutchmen realm, not someone who makes me lustful. Once I take over the burden of the moonstone, I’ll need a strong woman at my side. All my strength will be used to keep the glamour of our realm in place. The moonstone amplifies magic, making it possible to use power greater than one’s own, but it has a cost.
A flashback of my father in bed this morning is a reminder of what will eventually happen to me. The darkness and consequence now run through his veins. My wife has to be powerful enough to keep me strong and lead our coven. I see some of those qualities in Rose, but also something else. Knowing her motive for being here isn’t pure, I should let her go, but maybe the fact she can hide things is exactly why she should stay.
* * *
The ladies are already in the garden when I arrive. Rose’s beauty sets her apart from the others, but I ignore my interest in her. Instead, I walk with Belladonna, who’s my mother’s favoured match. Her potions might be able to slow the poison ivy that’s going to try to take over my heart.
“How do you like our kingdom so far?” I ask.
“The magic is quite exquisite. My sisters back home will be envious.” She smiles with glee.
It’s hard to appreciate something I’ve always had, and if I could locate a member of the Wolfbane family, I might let the illusion of the realm go. After all, it’s their magic that strengthens the moonstone, and I need a member of their coven to break the twisted family bond. Everything in my kingdom is made from magic, and it’s a beautiful place, but the cost to maintain it is high. I don’t know if it’s worth it, and that’s without understanding the full effects on the Wolfbane coven. I’ve spent most of my childhood hunting for the wolves, but I’ve never seen one. If my grandfather hadn’t cursed them, we wouldn’t be in this situation, but we also wouldn’t have the kingdom either. It’s kept our people safe and living in luxury for decades. That was how my grandfather justified stealing the coven’s magic. “What’s your home like?” I ask.
“We have a simple coven out in the woods. Our houses are made from the gifts Mother Nature provided. A cluster of cottages with thatched roofs, and homegrown vegetables roasting on the fire is what a visitor would see.”
“And you’d be happy to leave your family behind?”
“I’m the youngest of seven, so my prospects in my coven are slim. Moving here offers a chance at a better life with more responsibilities.”
She’s saying all the right things, but it’s Rose I can’t help watching. Unlike the others, she isn’t trying to catch my attention. I make more small talk with the ladies, but I don’t approach the woman I truly want to speak to. They all have similar stories, and it’s rather boring. I eventually make my excuses and leave them so I can go to my room.
I sit at my great oak table with the family grimoire. A single drop of Wolfbane blood could take away my father’s pain for an hour. A sacrifice could save his life and give me my freedom for longer. If I could find a member of the Wolfbane family, would I sacrifice their future for mine? The track of ivy that appeared on my father’s face today means I’m almost out of time, but I want so much more than a doting wife. I want a life with a future that doesn’t end in a painful death.
Chapter Three
The first quarter moon phase sets in on my wrist birthmark, and I’m no closer to learning where the moonstone is. While the ball takes place tonight, I need to sneak out so I can investigate without anyone knowing my whereabouts. Luckily, the prince seems to have lost interest in me, but for some reason, he hasn’t sent me away. I’m hoping the guards won’t notice I’m missing.
I dress in a light pink dress my sister made me. It’s not as detailed as some of the other girls’ outfits, but I don’t want to stand out. Once I’m in the ballroom, I take my place with the other potential suitors. Tonight, I won’t speak out of turn. I cross my fingers, hoping that will be the truth.
The trumpets play their usual entrance music. “Please welcome Her Majesty Queen Kadupul and Prince Titan,” the announcer says.
I pull up my gloves, ready to put my mask back in place. I need to focus on my task and become unseen.
“Thank you for joining us. Tonight, Prince Titan will dance with each of the girls, followed by a hog roast for us all to enjoy,” the queen says, making the crowd cheer.
Titan chooses Ghost to dance with first. She floats around the dance floor with the elegance I’d expect from her classy heritage. He offers her smiles and kind words, but his eyes follow me as he moves around the room. I try to remain indifferent. I need to shake his attention if I’m to slip away.