“I’m Rose of the Thorn family, Your Majesty. My interests include making jam, and I’m a talented sword fighter,” I say, telling mostly the truth of who I am rather than the bullshit story my sister told me to spin.

The queen won’t respect my lack of magic answer, but I’m struggling to control my emotions. Seeing Queen Kadupul toy with these women is making me angry She isn’t looking for a simple girl to marry her son. I’ve been told by my people she’s only interested in power. Whoever got me an audience in these lands must have lied about my capabilities. I have no magic of my own. Not yet, anyway. If asked to prove myself, I wouldn’t be able to make even a spark fly from my fingertips.

The whole room pauses, waiting for the queen’s reaction, but it’s the prince who laughs, followed by the audience. She moves closer to me to examine my physique. “You’re a pretty little Thorn. It would be a shame to see you wilted.”

“Are we done here, Mother?” the prince asks in a bored tone. His laugh is gone as he stares at me.

Is he trying to help me? No, that would be silly. He doesn’t know me, and if he did, he wouldn’t be friendly. I’ve just insulted the queen by making it obvious she’s not interested in any of these girls’ moral fibre, only that they are fertile and have influential magic.

The queen turns her attention to her son. “Don’t you want to dance with any of these young ladies?”

“No,” he replies and turns to leave.

A few of the girls step forward like they’re going to try and stop him. I stay firmly on my spot. We’ve been invited to stay for a few weeks to try and get to know the prince, so it’s an overreaction on their part. He only said he didn’t want to dance, not that he was sending us all home.

The queen waves her hands, signalling that we’re all dismissed. The nerves I felt have calmed into annoyance. Pretending to be a suitor for the prince was a stupid idea. I should’ve snuck into the Dutchmen’s land as a maid or something. Silvi might have been able to impress the prince, but not me. It’s a shame she’s too old. I love being out in the woods and exploring new places. I don’t want to play pretend like these people. My sister’s plan was a foolish one, and I will tell her so when I see her. She might’ve thought she was too old to be a suitor for the prince, but at least she can hold her tongue under pressure. Her plan got me inside the realm, but not unnoticed. My face has been seen by most of the coven, and I’m doubtful my disguise is good enough to impress anyone. Once the kingdom is asleep, I’ll start searching for the moonstone that can break my curse so I can get the hell out of this land.

The trumpets play again as the grand doors open and the queen starts to leave. Her footsteps glide across the floor as she exits.

“Guards,” the prince says, capturing my attention. We stare at each other for a few seconds until he continues to speak. “Take the Thorn girl to the dungeon. I want to see how she survives.” A satisfied smile creeps onto his face, and I can’t fight my scowl. He turns and follows his mother from the room.

The other girls gasp in horror, but I’m not used to their level of luxury. Being thrown into the dungeon will hamper my plan to snoop around, but other than that, I don’t care where I sleep. The girls offer clenched half-smiles of sympathy before heading out of the hall, and I follow the guards into the cellar, passing rows of full wine racks.

Once alone in my cell at the end of a long corridor, I remove my gloves to look at my magical birthmark. The wolf watched over our coven for centuries, and the moon phase decorates our wrists to guide us through the days. Since our magic was taken away and the werewolf curse was bestowed upon us, it’s turned into a counter for the full moon, and I have to keep it hidden from sight. If anyone figures out who I am, God only knows what fate they’ll have in store for me. The birthmark is the closest I can feel to home right now, and I run my fingers over it. The waxing crescent phase means I have time to fix the prince’s impression of me enough to get out of the dungeon before I have to leave for the full moon or I’ll be an uncontrollable werewolf in enemy territory. Then they’ll know exactly who I am and where I came from. I need to be unseen and start blending into the background of the court. Tomorrow is a new day, and I‘ll do better because I have to.

The guards must feel sorry for me, as they bring me a couple of blankets and a huge tray of food. I have to take my dress off to eat, and I feel better once I’m stripped down to my petticoat. I use the dagger in my garter to cut the rope from the corset. I have other clothes in my bag, which someone took to the room I’m supposed to be staying in, but Silvi won’t be impressed I didn’t get someone to help me out of the ballgown. I’m sure I can fix it if I have to, but first, I want to relax. Meeting the prince wasn’t what I expected and it didn’t go to plan. For now, I make myself comfortable for the night and try to forget how much I’ve screwed up.

Chapter Two


My mother weeps at my side as a track of poison ivy creeps across my father’s face. We both know he doesn’t have long left to live, but I shut down my emotions. I need to be strong for her, and it’s my duty to lead our people when the time comes. I can’t show any sign of weakness, especially to my parents, even though I’m not ready to take on the burden of our lands.

My father stirs in his sleep but doesn’t wake up. I stand with my family for a few minutes longer until I can’t bear it anymore. He was never a loving father, and knowing he has to pass his responsibilities onto his only son means I might be the same way one day. I allow the numb feeling to take over as I separate myself from the situation.

Rose is in the dungeon, and I want to see her before I have to entertain my guests. Her carefree attitude sparked jealousy in my heart. How dare she be so outspoken with her mundane skills and think it would be impressive? I’m a Dutchmen. Everyone knows magical talents are important to us. Only an elite selection of suitors would have been chosen to stay at the castle and be my guests. I need a powerful witch, not someone who can make jam, and there’s no way she doesn’t know it. Her defiance was written all over her face. It must be nice to enter our realm with the chance for a fairy-tale wedding. If only she knew the truth that comes with my family’s blessings. I don’t want a wife, but my mother is applying pressure to choose quickly. I should marry Rose to take away some of her sparkle, but I have no intention of spending much time with my wife. I’ll do my duty, then go back to spending my days alone. At most, I’ll have a couple of years before the ivy starts to affect me like it does my father. I don’t want a wife that feels sorry for me, and I’m not marrying for love. I need power and an heir.

When I reach her cell, she’s already looking out of the far window into the kingdom. I bang on the door and the guard lets me in.

She adjusts her gloves, turns to face me, and dips into a curtsey. “Good morning, Your Royal Highness.”

She smiles sweetly, like the dungeon wasn’t a punishment. She’s as beautiful as I remember. There’s no sign of sleep deprivation and my curiosity spikes. She isn’t like any noble girl I’ve met before. Her dress looks looser today, but nothing’s out of place. Her hair isn’t as tight, and her posture is less stiff. It suits her, even if it gives away her lack of upper-class qualities.

“How do you like the comforts of sleeping in a castle?” I ask, wondering if she’ll dare to speak out again.

“It wasn’t as nice as the cotton hammocks we have back home, but thank you for your hospitality, Sir.”

Hammock? What kind of place does she live in? She sounds serious, even though I doubt a hard bench and hay is a good combination for a restful night’s sleep. Is she messing with me?

“If you enjoyed it so much, maybe you should stay in here for longer.” I don’t feel any amusement or pleasure in my suggestion, only the dull numbness I’ve become used to.

“That’s kind of you, but my sister will expect me home.”

The invite was for a few weeks, so I doubt anyone would expect her to be anywhere but here. She can’t leave. I won’t allow it. She’s the most interesting thing to wander into this realm in over a decade, and anything on my land is mine to play with. Besides, I want to know what she’s up to. She is clearly not the kind of woman who would be suitable as a wife for me, so how did she get an invite and what does she really want?

“And what if I decide to make you stay?” I step into her space. A burst of anger runs through my veins. Does she think I’ll just let her go? I’m not a fool, and I intend to understand exactly why she came here.

“I wouldn’t want to waste your time when you have such lovely potential brides waiting for your attention.” She points towards the window.