Twisted Bond
Chapter One
The months of preparation for this moment should mean I’m ready for anything, but my hands tremble with nerves. The lace of my corset against my back is making it hard to breathe, and with one wrong move, my breasts are going to burst out. I’m not a lady and I’ve never pretended to be one until now, but it was the only way to get inside my enemies’ magical realm.
I keep my breathing shallow as I enter the great white hall of the Dutchmen’s castle. The gold pillars are beautiful, but I wish I could move into the shadows behind them. My coven live a modest life without witchcraft, although it’s not by choice. We’ve been cursed by these very people, and I’m here to set things right. This is it. The chance for my hard work to pay off. If this corset wasn’t cutting off my blood supply, I might be too nervous to intrude deep into enemy lands, but I’m struggling not to pass out. I’m going to kill Silvi, my elder sister, for making me wear a full traditional ballgown with an over-the-top bouffant skirt when a simpler dress would have been sufficient.
The trumpets play, and I take the place marked out by a tiny piece of tape. Silvi’s words run through my mind. ‘Stay focused. Don’t look around, and above all, don’t fidget.’
I’m the youngest sister of two, and even though I protested, Silvi sent me anyway. I’m the same age as the prince, and she saw this as an opportunity to get me inside enemy lines. I study a tiny mud stain on the crisp, checked floor, wondering if I caused the imperfection. The dusky pink dress covers my off-white shoes, and checking would go against Silvi’s rules. I clasp my hands behind my back and stand tall.
I can do this.
“Her Royal Highness Queen Kadupul, and Prince Titan of the Dutchmen lands,” the announcer shouts, followed by a few more trumpets playing an introductory piece.
After a pause, the royals enter the room with poise and elegance, and my heart beats faster. I focus on the queen as her narrowed eyes glance over me and the four other girls. My blonde ringlets and cheap jewellery suddenly don’t feel enough to impress.
I’m going to fail.
“Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us,” Queen Kadupul says, and the audience applauds. “As you know, my son has now come of age and needs a wife. The search will start tonight, and these fine ladies are of the highest breeding.” The crowd claps, and I try not to wrinkle my nose in distaste. I may be a wolf, but I’m worth more than my pedigree. “Step forward, young lady,” the queen commands. The girl at the other end of the line does as she asks. “Name?”
“Lily. Lily of the Meadow family, Your Majesty,” she mumbles.
“Speak clearly, child. What are your interests and special gifts?” Queen Kadupul asks. Her tone has already turned condescending. She doesn’t think of us as women. We’re girls, and she’s ready to put us down.
“I like gardening, and I have the power to help Mother Nature make plants grow,” Lily says boldly. Her family must have given her instructions, but it’s obvious she’s shy.
The queen laughs, and Lily’s cheeks turn pink. “How original,” she says in a mocking tone. She beckons the next girl forward. “Name?” She already seems bored.
I glance at the prince for the first time to see how he’s reacting to the scene that’s unfolding. His eyes aren’t on Lily or girl number two. He’s looking at me with curiosity. I wonder what he thinks of my reactions. I’m not a good actress, and the queen is getting under my skin. His ice-blue eyes and stern feature are beautiful but not kind. He isn’t amused by his mother’s taunts, but he doesn’t stop her either. If anything, he looks disinterested in the other girls, so why is he looking at me?
My sister had warned me he would be handsome but cold, and it was a good assessment of him. I can’t deny he’s attractive, even though I should hate him with every fibre of my being. His family stole everything from me.
“I’m Daisy of the Wildflower family, Your Majesty.” She curtseys with a spring in her step.
The queen looks her over. “And your talents are?” Her nose stays up in the air as she narrows her eyes.
“Music, Ma’am. I can play the flute and make the flowers and animals dance to the melody.” Daisy’s smile is bright, and I’m waiting for the queen’s cruelty to offset her happiness.
“And what about the clarinet? Can you play that?” Her eyebrow arches. I don’t think there’s a right answer. It seems like a trick question.
“No. Sorry, Ma’am.” Her smile turns into a grimace but soon peeks back through.
“Such a shame.” She shakes her head, dismissing Daisy. “Next.”
A tall, slim girl steps towards the queen with elegance. She doesn’t seem as eager to impress. “I’m Belladonna from The Nightshade family, Your Majesty. My speciality is potions.”
The queen smiles for the first time and gives her a satisfied nod before beckoning the next victim. “Come forward, child, and speak.”
“I’m Ghost of the Orchid family, Your Majesty. My special talent is necromancy.”
The queen’s smile widens more. She’s clearly in awe of Ghost’s talent.
I’d scribbled my story on my palm earlier so I wouldn’t freeze up, but now I feel it’s not good enough. The queen’s eyes turn to me, and I step forward too hastily. The delight she felt towards Ghost turns to a frown for me. She won’t be impressed with the ink-stained answers on my hand.