As Doctor Connor relayed it all to the new doctor, I listened carefully to every bruise and bump he’d found on her. Finally, he stopped on the reason for the woman being called down. “Can you take a look at her throat? I just want to make sure there’s not going to be any permanent damage.”
Nodding, the new doctor walked up to the other side of the bed and smiled down at Eva. “Well, young lady, you’ve caused a bit of drama tonight. I heard someone had been attacked, but they didn’t say it was you. It’s always the quiet ones.”
Not waiting for a response from Eva, most likely because she knew it’d cause her pain, she pointed at the ceiling. “Do you mind if I turn the lights up so I can see your neck and have a proper look?”
With Eva’s permission, that’s what she did. I pulled a chair closer to the bed as the doctor worked and held her hand, my mood getting grimmer with each whimper and acknowledgment of pain that came out of her.
Once the examination was complete, the doctor, Doctor Guthrie, straightened up. “The inside of your throat’s slightly inflamed and red, but I can’t see anything major. You’re going to be sore for a while, but I don’t think you’ll have any permanent damage. If you experience any problems, though, just let me know, and I can have another look. Is that okay with you, Eva?”
I opened my mouth to demand she do proper tests instead of just looking with her eyes, but Eva beat me to it. “Of course. Thank you for coming to see me, Doctor Guthrie.”
“Try hot toddies or tea with honey in it when you get home. It’ll ease the tightness and some of the pain.”
I managed to bite my tongue as they said goodbye, and then we were left with Doctor Connors. “Well, if you’re okay with us admitting you, I’ll get that arranged for you now.”
“Actually,” Eva croaked, just as he turned to walk out, “can I go home with Joshua? I know what to do, and if I outline it for him, he’ll make sure it’s done.”
Her hand had tightened in mine to the point of pain, meaning I was hesitant to deny her this request because something was going on inside her mind that wasn’t good.
Looking between us, he raised an eyebrow at me. “And? Will you follow the instructions we give you?”
“If it means Eva gets better and is safe, absolutely,” I said firmly. “Tell me exactly what she needs, what times to give it to her at, and what to do to look after her, and I’ll make sure it’s done to the letter.”
Finally, he nodded. “Okay, but if anything changes at all, you either call 911 or you bring her straight back in here.”
“Consider it done without hesitation.”
I hadn’t given any thought to where we’d go, but after she was discharged and I’d brought the car around for her, I turned in the direction of my apartment.
“Thank you. I wasn’t sure I could handle being at my place in case he was there.”
The thought didn’t bear thinking about.
“Eva,” I started, keeping my eyes on the road but taking brief glances at her out of the corner of my eye, “did you know the guy who did this?”
“I already told you, it was Tyson Randall or Roy Green, whatever his name is.”
She hadn’t said his name outright, but the details she had revealed had alluded to it being that son of a bitch.
“Are you sure?”
She was silent for a moment, but then she shifted and pulled something out of her pocket, holding it out for me to see. “Of course I am. He gave me these bank details to put the money into and told me to call him on that phone number.”
As we pulled up at a red light, I took the slip of paper from her and angled it toward the light so I could see what was written on it. “I’ll send these to Laura for her to trace to make sure we’ve got the right man after I’ve gotten you settled. She can text your brother and sister to tell them to be vigilant and make sure they keep their doors locked.”
It wasn’t much, but it was the best we could do right now unless they wanted to go to a hotel until we got him. Deciding to add that onto the text to Laura, who’d messaged me while Doctor Guthrie had been examining Eva, I reached over and took her hand, needing the contact to reassure myself she was okay.
“I never thought anything like this would happen,” she whispered finally, just as I pulled into my space in the underground garage of my apartment complex.
Squeezing her hand, I shot her a reassuring smile. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, baby. We’ll get you settled in bed with some tea and honey, and I’ll speak to Harry about tonight.”
The look she gave me made it clear she didn’t believe it’d just be as simple as that, and with good reason. I wasn’t a man who needed to assert his authority physically. Usually, all it took was a glance or a few words from me to have people jumping into action or backing away if they’d confronted me.
But I was more than willing to put the hours of work I’d done in the gym and learning Tae Kwando into play with Tyson Randall. Before, I’d been angry at him for the bullshit he’d pulled. Now, I was fucking furious and out for blood.
It was time Eva had someone fight this war for her.
Chapter Nine