“Did you find a way to keep me alive?” I whisper, moving towards the mirror but stopping, scared it will disappear altogether and put me in the same room as him.

“Maybe.” He slides off his jacket, and turns, resting it over the back of a chair in his room. “Get some sleep.”

“I never wanted to be involved in this,” I say to his back. “I just want to forget this happened.” My throat swells with emotion. “I need to go home.”

“You’re right where you need to be,” he replies shortly.

“My parents.” I sniff.

“In the morning, Avery.” The light in his room flicks off, but I can still see his outline. Him undressing. I turn away and stalk to the bed. I lie down amongst the messed up sheets, but quickly sit up when my heart begins palpitating painfully. I’m going to die in this room.

* * *

I’ve watched dusk and dawn. I couldn't sleep. In fact, I’ve barely slept since Jeff’s murder. With the mirror becoming a window, I found myself more than once during the night moving to look through it at Jamieson. Turns out he’s a light sleeper. The second time I peered through the window, he pushed to his elbows and glared at me through the glass. Embarrassed, I had skulked back to the bed. I’m still sitting on the same edge of the bed when the lock clicks and Jamieson enters. I scowl and he sighs, taking in my tired face.

“You may hate me now, but the alternative is far worse.”

Death, he means death.

Silence is my ally, so I keep my lips firmly shut.

“I’m making breakfast, give me your hands.” I offer my wrists and keep my face averted. “Didn't sleep?” After a few beats, Jamieson exhales a heavy breath. “You look exhausted.”

Yeah, no thanks to you! With my hands cuffed, I follow Jamieson through his apartment down to the kitchen just off from the main living space, comprising a long dining table and sunken seating area. It’s like something from a magazine that Priya and I at the café would gawp over. He sits me down and adjusts my cuffs, so I’m attached to the breakfast bar.

“Fruit and yogurt, okay?”

I eye him, but keep my lips shut. He sighs and begins cutting up fresh fruit. I look about the place, but it only adds to my crippling apprehension. The room he shoved me in was grand and equipped with an en-suite and walk-in wardrobe, but out here, this… it’s opulent and surpasses the kind of rich us mere mortals can think up.

“Going with the silent treatment, huh? I hate to break it to you, but it only makes you that more perfect.” He grins wolfishly.

Before I have a chance to respond, a door opens and footsteps sound. My eyes flash with panic to Jamieson, who draws a weapon from below the countertop and moves to guard me. I press my face into his back, terrified.

The fact that he protects me at all solidifies he wasn’t lying when he said if he didn’t kill me, others would. He really is trying to keep me alive. I frown into his back as my mind whirrs ahead and my heart screams out in panic. Someone chuckles deeply, and I hear Jamieson sigh in relief.

“Now I get it,” a voice says. I crane to look and find two men staring at me. Biting my lip, I duck my head in shame.

“Come on in,” Jamieson drawls. He returns to what he was doing, leaving me exposed to the men.

“So, you’re the one causing all the trouble?” I twist as a man takes a seat beside me. He has light brown eyes and a wide smile. “I’m Seth, and this is our brother, Ryan.” I look at the other guy who views me with irritation. They look nothing alike.

They are absolutely not brothers.

I narrow my eyes, trying to assess the situation.

“Apparently, I’m Bluebird.” I turn to Jamieson and curl my lip. Both men laugh, and for once, my captor looks ruffled.

“You gave her a nickname? Cute,” Ryan mutters.

“So what’s the plan?” Seth opens his arms, looking between Jamieson and me.

“Yes, what is the plan?” I smile sweetly.

“I vote to get rid of you,” Ryan growls and lifts his hand in a gun motion. I gulp and give Jamieson pleading eyes.

“Avery is going to live with me.”

I am?