She’s been working out, what with the way she has gym leggings on that caresses her limbs in a way I want to and a loosely zipped sports jacket that exposes her delicate collarbone. She’s simply stunning. High cheekbones. Full but small lips. Her nose is petite and slightly upturned, thick lashes are the only boundary separating me from looking at eyes I know are going to be something else. Someone bangs into her, sending whatever is in her hands flying through the air and her eyes snap wide. Big blue irises flash with surprise, then annoyance. My gut clenches and I grit my teeth, annoyed by my reaction. Irritated with myself, I look away, but my head snaps back almost instantly.
She begins walking my way, her limbs elegant and dainty. Those wide eyes search the ground, and I flick a look down to see a bunch of keys at my feet. I’d been so enamoured by her I didn't even notice them drop at my feet. She weaves between the crowd, lithe and seamless. She works out a lot. I can see how toned she is and I love that she takes care of her body. As she nears me to pick up the keys, I reach down, grabbing them, wanting her attention. Her scent wafts up my nose, followed by the sweet tang of sweat from her workout. Sex. That’s all I can think of. This is how she would smell if I were fucking her. Coconut shampoo, and the slight blush of sweat.
I usually favour women with more height so I don't have to crane my fucking neck to look at them, but that’s not the case with this woman. I look down at her as she begins to stand, enjoying how my height and weight put her at a distinct disadvantage.
She blinks, shocked, her eyes widening as they lock on my face.
Her pupils pool like the light sway of a wave, and I catch the sparkle of attraction.
Fuck me, she is stunning, delicate and sweet looking. The anger and deep-rooted need to rip the world apart that I’ve lived with for years ebb into a stagnant shadow and wilt somewhere in the back of my mind. Then there is just her. I’ve never known my mind to be so quiet. I find myself holding her keys out of reach. I want to toy with her and see how playful she is. I want to keep the wolves at bay and enjoy the peaceful void for a moment longer. When she moves to take them, I lift them higher, enjoying her stunned look. I grin and find myself filled with anticipation at her reaction. Her lips twitch, but she shuts down.
Scowling, she folds her arms in front of her chest.
“What exactly do you expect to achieve by doing that?” she drawls. She looks like she has the whole damn world weighing down her shoulders. I want to demand who put that bleak look in her eyes.
Mostly, I’m disappointed. I wanted her to smile and flirt back.
“A simple thank you will suffice.”
I close the distance and her eyes widen ever so slightly before averting upwards to search for her keys. Not going to find them, darling. I tap my cheek, quelling the desire to smile.
“Right here,” I murmur.
“I don’t even know you. I’m not kissing you.” Her scoff wrinkles her nose and her eyes flash. Damn, she’s gorgeous.
“You’re losing your touch,” Rubin comments.
“Evidently.” It’s my turn to drawl.
She’s watching me closely. Assessing me.
“Can I please have them back? I don’t like being out late, someone was attacked last month.” Her hand nervously rubs at the back of her neck. She’s talking about Jeffrey Clemmins.
Parker Judd seriously fucked that one up.
“Attacked is a very loose term,” I remark. Frowning, I look for a friend or partner waiting for her but see no one. “Why are you out alone?” Before she can answer, I step forward and tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “If you were mine, there is no way I’d allow you out on these streets.”
She flashes astonished eyes at me.
“Yes, well, I’m not, and I’d rather not be next on whoever’s list. Give me my keys back.” She moves quickly, trying to retrieve them, but I lift them higher, bringing her in closer contact with me. She never answered my question—why the fuck is she out alone?
Her words register and I clench my fist.
“What list?” I tug her to me, and her slim fingers splay over my arm.
“I don’t mean there is an actual list. I just mean I don't fancy being a walking target to whatever psycho is skulking around town.” She flicks nervous eyes between Rubin and me, stepping away to search my eyes.
I lean back against the car, taking pleasure in the fact that she is still within touching distance of me. I purposely hold her gaze and wait for her pupils to dilate once again. There we go. Yes, I want to fucking devour you, I convey with hooded eyes. Her lips part, and I almost groan out loud at how innocent her damn reaction is to me. It’s all natural, genuine, and my cock wants it. I hold back a smile because she has no idea who she is conversing with. Rubin chokes out a laugh.
Her disgusted gaze swings to Rubin when she hears him chuckling.
“They may have got that Parker guy, but he wasn’t alone,” she mutters nervously, licking her lips. Her comment dries up my libido. How the fuck does she know that?
“How do you know that?” I grip her arm and pull her to me. Is she toying with me?
“The news.” She pushes at my hand with her free arm. “Let go of me.”