She turns off the TV to focus all her attention on our conversation.

“I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

My eyes go wide at her request. I haven’t brought up the anal sex thing since we first discussed it because of her past bad experience.

“I thought you weren’t really into that,” I say. “The last guy you did it with was an absolute asshole about it.”

“He was. But you have shown me all kinds of things I didn’t think I would like, but here we are.” She holds my hand. “I know you wouldn’t hurt me, and I trust you.”

Her words make my tiny, black heart swell to twice its normal size. And my dick—that swells up too.

“Lie down, Kitten,” I command.

She does a little excited dance. “We’re going to do it right now?”

She looks confused but doesn’t ask any questions. Instead, she lies down, wearing nothing more than a t-shirt. I’m thrilled she hasn’t bothered to put on pants the past few days. It gives me much easier access.

When she’s comfortable, I walk over to the dresser drawer that houses all my toys. Pulling out an unopened butt plug and some lube, I carry it over and lay it on the bed.

Her eyes widen when I pull it out of the package. “What’s that for?”

“We have to make sure you’re ready for me, Kitten.”

Kneeling on the side of the bed, I grab her hips and pull her pussy toward my face. I waste no time licking every inch of her and doing all the things she loves.

When she’s nice and wet, I slide my finger in her pussy, gathering up her juices and rubbing them all along her tight asshole. I do this a few times to ensure she’s wet enough to slide a digit inside. I continue licking her clit to keep her relaxed. It takes a moment, but soon, I’m knuckle-deep inside her. Slowly, I move in and out before adding another finger. I hope I’m not pushing her too far, but the way she’s moaning makes me think she’s enjoying it.

With my free hand, I grab the plug and squirt some lube onto it. After making sure the toy is ready, I pull my fingers out and start to push the large head of the toy inside.

“Relax, Kitten,” I urge as I slowly push past the clenched muscles. I go as slow as she needs me to and continue to eat her out. Finally, when I make her come, she relaxes enough to let me slide the toy inside.

When it’s in place, I take a moment to stare at her. She looks sexy as fuck with her pussy all swollen and glistening, dripping onto the shiny metal plug in her ass.

The sight makes my cock throb with need.

“Are you going to fuck me now?” Katarina asks in a breathy moan.

“No, Kitten. We’re going out.”

Chapter Eighteen


For our last night together, Dominic decided we should see a show, which is great in theory.

But have you ever tried to sit through some epic magic show while wearing a butt plug? Not so easy.

I find it almost impossible to concentrate. Whenever I move in even the slightest way, the plug shifts its pressure and gets me even more aroused.

And the fact that people surround us makes the whole thing even hotter. My pussy is so wet that I’m surprised it’s not trickling down my legs.

We eat dinner while watching the show, but I’m so distracted that I just pick at my plate.

During the second half of the show, I pay almost no attention. Instead, I reflect on the evening. Going out with Dominic has been quite the experience. Even when we left his hotel in the fancy car with the expensive driver, everyone seemed to know who he was. The man has a presence to him. He walks around like he owns the whole damn town, and people treat him as such.

No matter how many eyes are on Dominic, though, I never feel his eyes stray away from me. When we walk, he leads me with his hand on the small of my back, and he doesn’t let anyone come within three feet of me. It’s a small glimpse as to what it must be like to be Dominic Delgado’s woman.

I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to live like this permanently. I try not to think about that, though, because this is our last night together. I need to accept that fact sooner rather than later.