Breaking the kiss, I whisper, “Take me to bed, Delgado.”

When we get out of the tub and make our way into the bedroom, I half-expect another marathon session complete with all the kinks. But this is far from it.

Dominic takes his time kissing my entire body and fucking me slow and sweet. It’s full of passion and fire.

We get entirely lost in the moment as the world disappears around us. Right now, it’s just him and I. We are the only thing that matters.

Pure, raw emotion overtakes me as I feel tears welling up in my eyes. I fight them back, so Dominic doesn’t think he’s done something wrong.

He hasn’t.

Unless you count making me fall in love with him.

Chapter Seventeen


The past couple of days have gone by in a blur. Katarina and I have spent every second together, and it’s been nothing short of incredible.

We’ve spent most of our time in bed, either fucking like rabbits or watching some of that reality TV she’s so crazy about.

At first, I fought against it, but it sucks you in after a while. And it makes her happy, so what the hell.

Ever since I opened up to her the other night, it’s like a huge weight has been lifted. And anything awkward between us is gone.

I keep reminding myself that just because things are good, though, doesn’t mean that this whole thing will have a happy ending. On more than one occasion, I catch myself wondering what it would be like if I asked her to stay, but I can’t do that to her.

I won’t.

Katarina deserves a life free from toxic men like her father and myself. She deserves a fresh start.

While I’m thinking about that topic, I ask, “So, Kitten, what’s the plan for when you leave Sin City?”

“I still have no idea. Once I get back and pay off my dad’s loan, I’ll figure it out.”

“Promise me something?” I ask.


“Promise me that you’ll get out of Atlantic City as soon as you pay that money. I don’t want you getting sucked into any more bullshit.”

“Okay, Dad,” she scoffs.

“I’m serious, Katarina. Promise me.”

“Dominic, I fully intend to get out as soon as I can, but I have to make sure I have enough money.”

“I can help with that,” I offer.

“No, I’m not a charity case. I’ll be fine. Our deal was just for the money for my dad, and that’s it.”

The urge to tie her up and get her to see things my way hits me, but I resist. And I decide to drop it for now. It’s our last night together, and I don’t want to spend it arguing.

I turn toward her. “So, how should we spend our last night together? Got any wild fantasies you want to play out?”

“Maybe one,” she replies.

Intrigued, I ask, “Oh?”