But now…things seem so different.

If I were smart, I’d let Katarina go right here and now. I should let her walk away to save us the heartache in a few more days.

But I already know I’m too selfish for that. I want all the time with her I can get—no matter how little that may be.

To do that, though, I will need to concede a little and maybe open up some. The question is: when she learns who I am really am, will she even want to stay?

Chapter Sixteen


I sit on the bed, watching TV but not paying any attention. My anger at Dominic outweighs everything else inside me.

Maybe I was a brat for storming out, but it truly is an awful feeling to feel like someone knows so much about you, yet you know nothing about them.

I have no idea what I will do for money, and I have no clue how I’ll help my dad. But I know I couldn’t keep feeling like that.

I can’t get a flight out until tonight, though, so I’m a bit stuck at the moment.

Trying my best to push Dominic out of my head, I try to focus on the TV, but it’s no use.

A knock on the door about makes me jump out of my skin. I expect it to be security telling me that since I pissed off the boss, I have to get the fuck out.

But when I open the door, it’s the boss himself standing there. I’m a little taken back because he wears jeans and a t-shirt, not the look one typically sees Dominic Delgado in.

“I’m surprised you’re still here,” he says.

“My flight’s not until eleven. Sorry to disappoint you. If it’s a problem, I can leave now,” I offer, walking over to grab my backpack.

“Katarina, I’m not disappointed. I’m glad you’re still here.”

When I ignore him, he walks in and stands behind me. “Can you please come back upstairs so we can talk?”

“Dominic, you made it very clear that you don’t want to talk, and I’m tired of speaking for the both of us.”

“I thought this time, I could do the talking.”

That gets me to look up at him, but I don’t say anything.

He adds in a forceful, “Please.”

Maybe I shouldn’t go. Chances are, I will just get my feelings hurt again. But my curiosity gets the best of me.

“Fine, you have until I leave for the airport,” I say through gritted teeth.

I follow him back upstairs. This time, there’s no pawing each other in the elevator. The ride is still slow but for a whole different reason.

When we walk back into the penthouse, he heads straight for the bathroom. I follow him and am surprised to see him filling up the giant bathtub.

“Delgado, are you expecting me to get naked?” I ask with my eyebrows raised.

“Up to you. But this may be the only romantic thing I’ve ever done, so maybe we just get in and talk.”

“Fine,” I concede.

We both step in when the tub is full of hot water and bubbles. It’s so large that I can sit across from him without us even having to touch. And that’s precisely what I do.

“Alright, Kitten,” he begins. “What do you want to know?”