Running my finger up and down her arm, I say, “And you got stuck cleaning up the mess.”
She nods.
“Have you thought about not bailing him out?” It sounds terrible, but I think it’s a fair question.
“Of course. Honestly, after this time, he’s on his own. I plan on moving far away from all of his drama and bullshit.”
“Where do you want to move?”
“No idea. Just need a fresh start.”
We’re both silent for a moment before she shifts the conversation.
“Alright, Delgado, you’ve heard my sad story. Your turn.”
Immediately, my entire demeanor changes. I won't divulge anything about myself to anyone.
Not even Katarina.
“We aren’t going to talk about me,” I say in a cold tone.
She sits up and looks at me. “Why the hell not?”
“Because that topic is off-limits.”
“Hold on.” She holds up her hand. “You got to know everything about me, but I don’t get to know shit about you.”
“And that’s fair?”
“I never claimed to be fair. This deal isn’t meant to be fair. This is just how it is. It’s my job to know about the people in my casino, Katarina.”
Growing angrier, she spits, “Well, it would be nice to know at least something about the man I’m fucking.”
“You know enough,” I insist.
She looks half confused and half pissed, but this conversation is over. Wanting to drive that point home, I get up and walk into the bathroom.
Once in there, I lean against the counter, trying to calm myself down before going back in to deal with the wrath of Katarina.
She can be pissed all she wants, but I’m not the sharing kind, and my sob story should stay bottled up in my own head.
I finally make my way back to the bedroom, prepared to give her a few orgasms to try to get back in her good graces. But when I enter, Katarina is nowhere to be found. All that is left behind is a note on the bed.
I’m sorry. I can’t do this. I thought I could, but I can’t when you shut me away at every turn.
Keep your secrets…and your money.
Well, fuck.
Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, I run my hands over my face.
I’m alone once again. Up until three days ago, I would’ve been thrilled about that fact. Getting my dick wet and then being left alone is all I craved for years.