When I walk to my security center and tell John that, his jaw about hits the floor—which is expected since I haven’t taken a day off in…well, I’m not sure that I ever have taken a day off. My business is everything. But a few days off with Katarina won’t hurt.
Just as I’m about to head back upstairs, John stops me, “Mr. Delgado, you might want to take a look at this.”
Walking back to the monitors, I choke as my eyes go wide as they fixate on the screen.
There’s Katarina.
Sunbathing in the pool.
What the fuck is she doing?
Snapping my attention back to John, I order, “Shut down that feed. Now. Don’t bring it back up until I tell you to.”
“Yes, sir,” he responds without question.
Storming out, I make my way upstairs as fast as I can. Once again, the elevator takes forever.
When I finally step out onto the roof, the dry, hot air slaps me in the face. I’ll never be able to express how fond I am of air conditioning.
My eyes immediately focus on Katarina, who is floating around the pool, naked and without a care in the world. “Alright, Kitten, you have my attention.”
“Oh, hi,” she says, smiling up at me.
“Hi. Do you want to tell me why you’re naked?”
Looking down at herself, she replies, “Well, I didn’t want to get any tan lines.”
“Do you realize that my staff could see you until I had them cut the feed?”
“Did they like what they saw?” She teases.
“Katarina,” I warn, my patience growing thin.
She doesn’t care, though. That’s made evident when she says, “So, they can’t see me doing this?” Her fingers trail up and down her stomach before stopping to pinch her nipples.
“Or this?” One hand disappears between her legs.
I will paddle that ass of hers later for being such a bad girl.
“Alright, Kitten, you proved your point. I shouldn’t have worked so long. Can you please get out now, so I can do filthy things to you?”
Her eyes glance around as she paddles the float towards me. “You want to come in and take a dip with me?”
“Not particularly. It’s hotter than horse piss out here, and I’d rather continue this indoors.”
“Alright, alright,” she finally concedes as she steps off the float, walking toward me. She holds out her hand, “Help me out?”
I reach out to grab it and hoist her out, but the moment our hands touch, Katarina uses all of her weight to yank on my arm. I have no balance as I fall headfirst directly into the water.
When I pop up, I wipe the water from my eyes while asking, “What the hell are you doing?”
“You said you were hot. Besides, I think it’s time you used this lovely pool of yours.”
I look over at her, and she’s trying not to smile as if she’s worried I’m about to lose my shit. But as I stand here in the middle of my pool, completely soaked, I can’t help but laugh.
Seeing I’m not upset, Katarina walks over to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. We kiss for a moment before she leans back and looks at me. “Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”