I doubt that’s the case since he’s already texted me telling me when to be ready for dinner. It was the same time as last night, and I’m beginning to see the man is highly regimented.

Deciding to get out of the room for a while, I head outside to go for a walk. But that’s short-lived when I realize how freaking hot Las Vegas is during the day. It’s easy to forget that this bustling town is right in the middle of a desert. A twenty-minute walk has me soaked in sweat.

On the way back to my room, I stop at one of the clothing stores nestled within the casino’s lobby. One of the dresses I see through the window catches my eye.

Do I have an entire rack of beautiful clothing upstairs? Yes. But this dress will knock Dominic straight on his ass.

The black, sparkly material shines like crazy, even in the less-than-flattering lighting of the store. It has the same slit in the front that the one last night had. But this one is quite a bit shorter—so short that I’m positive it would barely cover my goods.

I’m sure Dominic will have a raging hard-on all night if I wear this to dinner. But when I look at the price tag, I realize something I have upstairs will work instead.

I continue to stare at the dress, even though it is way too rich for my blood. I about jump out of my skin when I hear a deep voice behind me.

“You would look incredible in that.”


Without turning around, I ask, “Are you following me?”

“I wish,” he chuckles. “I was on my way to a meeting when I saw you walk in here.”

Now, I turn to look at him. “All the people in this casino, and you just happen to spot me?”

“You’re hard to miss.”

Lord, he’s smooth.

He continues, “But that dress really would look amazing on you.”

“Well, thanks, but it’s a bit outside my price range.”

He looks at the woman standing behind the counter and calls, “Hey, Jill.”

The tall blonde quickly jogs over to join us. “Yes, Mr. Delgado?”

“This is Miss Simms. Anything she wants, wrap it up and charge to my account.”

The woman nods before walking away.

Looking back at Dominic, I say, “You know, you don’t have to do that.”

He pulls me close and whispers in my ear, “True. But then, I wouldn’t get to see you in that dress tonight. And more importantly, I wouldn’t get to take it off of you.”

Holy hell, the man makes me soak my panties without even touching me, and the smile on his face tells me he knows exactly what he’s doing.

He leans down to kiss me on the cheek before saying, “I’ll see you tonight, Kitten.”

When he disappears, I take a moment to catch my breath and gain my composure.

After I do, I grab the dress off the rack and take it to the front. Tonight, I plan on turning Dominic on just like he does to me, making him sport a boner the whole evening.

When I get to the counter, my curiosity gets the best of me, and I ask Jill, “Does he do this often? I mean, buy clothes for women on his credit card?”

She takes a moment to answer, unsure of what she should or shouldn’t divulge. Finally, she says, “Not since I’ve worked here.”

“Well, how long have you worked here?”

Without looking at me, she replies, “A few years now.”