My heart skipped a beat at the old childhood nickname, causing me to freeze on the bed.

He still sees me as a kid.

Even after all these years.

“And how the hell are you of drinking age?” he went on, obviously unaware of what his words were doing to me.

“Right?” My brother sounded just as shocked. “Seriously, you’ll need to keep an eye out for her at the campus bars. She’s too young for that shit.”

“I’m almost twenty-two,” I interjected, my irritation mounting. “And a fucking adult, thank you very much.”

My brother chuckled and shook his head. “You’re still a baby, Jeni.”

“God, I remember when you were only, like, this big,” Pierce tacked on, his hand going to his midthigh. “There’s no way you’re drinking beer now.”

My teeth ground together, both from my brother’s favored nickname for me—Jeni—and Pierce’s comments regarding my age.

Three years since I’d last seen him—because the bar didn’t count.

Three years of pining over him from afar.

And he still saw me as a child.

Yet I couldn’t take my eyes off his athletic physique and masculine jawline. Or those intense green eyes and full lips.

He was my walking fantasy come to life, the main feature in so many of my dreams.

I needed to make him see me. The real me. Adult me.

Pierce would be teaching a class at my university this coming semester?

Well, that just seemed like an invitation from fate.

He would have to see me as an adult in that situation. A serious student. Someone who was no longer Goldilocks.

Pierce and my brother left my room with a few more joking comments about their own ages and how they were getting old.

They weren’t.

They were in their prime and they knew it.

And soon, Logan Pierce would realize that I had also reached my prime age.

I swapped my book for my laptop, then opened up the course schedule for next semester.

Business 501.01: Social Media Marketing

I checked the requirements, noting that it was only open to students who had completed a certain prerequisite.

One I hadn’t taken.

I nibbled my lower lip.

Maybe I can cheat the system a little, I thought, opening up an email and typing in my advisor’s name. As an honors student, I was often able to acquire special permission to take advanced courses.

I considered my phrasing and mentioned my future aspirations, only I twisted them a little to incorporate the course objective. I didn’t actually want to go into social media marketing at all, but it did technically suit my major.

And social media marketing skills could only help me in the future, right?