Her face scrunches up in the cutest way. “Tried it once. But the guy made it a less than enjoyable experience.”

“Care to explain?”

“He didn’t ask before attempting to shove it in.”

Now, my face is the one to contort. “Ouch.”

“Yep. Needless to say, I haven’t tried again since.”

“Fair enough.” I’ve been around the block enough to know that with enough preparation and foreplay, anal can be incredible for women. But I don’t need it to have a good time.

I add, “Is there anything you want to try?”

Smiling, she says, “This is your show, Delgado. I’m just along for the ride. You’re the one paying me, remember?”

“Doesn’t mean we can’t explore things that you want to experience. Believe me when I say that your pleasure is at the top of things that I want.”

She looks a little embarrassed, as if she’s not used to people saying nice things to her. Despite being an asshole, I still think Katarina deserves more than the shit show life she was given.

But I don’t want her to think I will turn out to be her knight in shining armor. I’m way too far gone to ever be that guy.

To drive that point home, I say, “Katarina, I need you to know that I’m not a good man—far from it, actually. But I can promise you this: for the next seven days, you’ll have more orgasms than you can count, and I’ll make you feel incredible.”

She doesn’t say anything—just gives me a nervous smile. She falls silent for a moment, so I ask her what’s wrong.

“I just don’t understand,” she says. “I walked through the casino with you, and every single woman would give their left tit to go to bed with you. I’m not understanding why you made a deal to fuck me when it cost you so much.”

I run my hand over my jaw, thinking before speaking. “You’re right. I take a lot of women to bed, and usually, it’s pretty easy. But sometimes, it’s almost too easy. Sometimes, I miss the chase.”

“I’m a chase?” She asks.

“Something like that. You’ve got a whole lot of attitude. Not many people dare to challenge me; you’re an exception to that. That’s a little fun for me.”

“Not sure how I feel about playing your little game.”

“You can leave any time you want,” I offer.

But she doesn’t move. “How’d you know I’d say yes?”

“I didn’t. But I know you needed something, so I put the offer on the table. I had to make sure the house always wins. Like I said, I’m not a good man.”

For a few moments, I see her wheels turning as if she’s deciding if the money is worth all of this. I see a glimpse of the worn-down, defeated girl underneath. But it doesn’t take long for her to build back up her walls to go toe-to-toe with me.

I see her practically drool over a chocolate lava cake that a waitress is taking to a different table, so I order one for us to share.

When it arrives, we both grab a spoon and dig in. The dessert is good, but watching Katarina eat it is better. Every bite is like a fucking seduction, and I have no doubt she’s doing it on purpose.

She slowly brings the spoon to her mouth, and her full, pouty lips wrap around it. Once the bite hits her tongue, she lets out a soft moan as her eyes roll back in her head. Then, she takes the time to lick the spoon clean.

Meanwhile, my hands clench into fists as I fight the urge to replace that spoon of hers with my cock.

“Aren’t you going to eat?” She asks.

“I’m hungry for something else.”

Playing dumb, she asks, “Oh, do you want to order something different?”

My resolve breaks when she takes another bite and lets out another moan. I can’t take anymore.