What other choice do I have? If I grit my teeth and bear it, I’ll be done with all of the craziness in a week.
Plus, if I’m honest, I’ve slept with men for less. They buy me a few drinks, tell me I’m cute, and I’m going home with them to have a good time.
Is this really all that different? I’ve never been a prude before, so why start now? Besides, who knows if a man like Dominic Delgado will ever want me to take me to bed again?
The waitress brings my drink, and I lean back in my chair while I sip on it. Images of Dominic flash through my head as I mindlessly chew on the tiny black straw.
The owner of The Delgado is tall, well over six feet, and is built like a fucking tree. He has dark blonde hair that hangs in slight waves down just past his shoulders. To top it all off, he has a neatly groomed beard and the prettiest hazel eyes I’ve ever seen.
But it’s not just his looks that draw you in. It’s his whole demeanor. He gives off that energy that people will just say yes to.I suddenly chug the rest of my drink, realizing I’m considering being one of them. Grabbing the key card off the table, I make my way upstairs to my new room. It’s almost at the top of this colossal building, so the elevator ride seems to take forever.
When the large metal box finally comes to a halt, I step off and follow the signs through the building hallways to the room with the number that matches my card.
I expect one of the general, generic hotel rooms, but when I enter, my mouth drops. This is a suite.
This is a luxury suite.
The room is decorated in different shades of white and cream with beautiful linens. A California king bed sits against one wall, and the biggest TV I’ve ever seen sits on the opposite one.
Other amenities of the room include a minibar stocked with some fancy-ass booze, a shower with a rain waterfall, and a bathtub big enough for three people.
I’m pretty sure one night in this room is more than my rent for an entire month; it sure as shit beats the hell-hole motel I’ve been staying in on the outskirts of town.Maybe this gig will have some perks after all—one being that I get to live like a rich person for the next week.
Lying down on the comfortable bed, I take a moment to think. If someone had come to me with this deal a year ago, I would have told them to fuck off. There’s no way I would’ve even considered it. But then, some guys showed up at my apartment and beat the crap out of me. That whole ‘dead men don’t pay their debts’ saying is true. But knocking a family member around sends a pretty clear message.
I cleaned out my savings and took out a couple of small loans to pay what my father owed. I just finished paying those off when he got himself into his current mess, and I knew it was serious when I got the threatening letter taped to my front door.
Being kicked out of every casino back home, I opted to come to Vegas, and I picked The Delgado to hit because it’s the newest, flashiest casino in town. There’s less of a chance to be noticed with so many people. I didn’t count on the big sexy owner wanting to use me as a sex toy.
Yes, a year ago, I would’ve turned my nose up at this whole thing, but I’m not sure I have any other options. I don’t like the idea of pimping myself out, but I like the idea of dying even less. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never been a prude. I’ve had my share of casual sex and one-night stands. The sex part of this deal isn’t what bothers me; it’s the submitting to another person I have an issue with. I have way too much of an attitude to take orders well.
But what other choice do I have?
Accepting my fate for the next seven days, I pull out my phone and type in the number written on the back of the key card.
I type out a single text message before throwing my phone back on the bed.
Chapter Five
The following day, I wake up in the oversized bed, and it takes me a moment to remember where I am. Then, it all comes flooding back to me.
It still doesn’t quite feel real. But I’m sure that won’t be the case later on when Dominic Delgado is balls-deep inside me. I’m sure at that moment, it will feel very real.
As I lie in this bed that is so comfortable it resembles a cloud, I wonder what Dominic will be like in the sack. Will he be hard and fast? Probably.
Will he be a quick shooter who only cares about his own pleasure? Lord, I hope not.
I bet he’s intense.
I can’t deny that thinking about it gets me all tingly in my lady bits. What does that say about me? I should be terrified of this man—this stranger. Instead, I get all excited.
Freud himself couldn’t figure me out.
My phone interrupts my thoughts when it buzzes on the nightstand.