“It’s good money and still allows me the time to keep up with my studies.”

Another thing I couldn’t fucking argue with. “But why do you even need a job right now? Why not wait until you’ve graduated?”

“I want to get my own place.” Her words felt like a punch to the gut since we shared a house. Clearly seeing something on my face, she quickly carried on explaining herself. “I feel like I’m suffocating Remy.” She reached across the table and took my hand in hers giving it a gentle squeeze. “Being a club princess, my every move is watched. It has been all my life. Things are different for the sons of the club. You guys are brought up to be the protectors.”

I nodded letting her know I was following what she was putting down and agreed, but… “I’m not always home. And nobody is watching you there. It’s a safe place.”

“I’m a grown woman Rem. I want to date and…you know.” She leant forward and lowered her voice to a barely audible whisper. “Have sex.”

I reared back in my seat. “Fuck. Lace. TMI.” I did not want to think about my nineteen-year-old sister having sex.

“See. That right there is exactly why I needed to do this. I love you Remy, but I need my own space. I need to live my own life.” She pleaded with me, her eyes brimming with tears.

It killed me to see her like that. It wasn’t often that she cried, I was pretty sure the last time I’d seen her on the verge of tears was when our father died four years ago.

I’d been stood in the hospital waiting room listening to the doctor explain that my dad had had a heart attack and had passed away in the ambulance, when my sisters whisper of my name had me spinning to find her stood directly behind me, tears welling in her eyes.

“Okay.” I agreed, even though in doing so I was going against my own instincts. Protecting my sister was drilled into me from such a young age and that was only magnified when I became her guardian four years ago. “I won’t fight you on this. But I need to know you are safe here.”

Her face lit up in excitement over my agreement. “I am. I promise you Blaze has strict rules that keep us safe. He even gets one of his guys to drive us home at the end of the night if we don’t have our own cars or anyone that picks us up.”

“Send me your schedule and I’ll—”.

“No!” She snapped. “You just said you’d let me live my life. I’ve been working here two weeks now and I’ve managed to get home in one piece every night. Trust me to keep myself safe.”

I don’t know how long I stared at her before speaking but it felt like a hours. Her face was a mask of determination, and I knew unless I gave in and allowed her to do what she wanted she’d just go behind my back like she had been doing this past two weeks.

She glanced at her watch and jumped up from her seat with a curse. “Shit. I’ve gotta get back to work, my break is over.”

“Can we chat about this some more later?” I asked. I caught sight of Jez moving about the bar in the corner of my eye and quickly amended my suggestion. “Actually, tomorrow. Let’s finish this conversation tomorrow.”

Laci grinned at me as she flicked her gaze to Jezabel making it clear she knew what I’d been looking at. “Yeah, big brother, but I won’t be changing my mind about any of this.”

“Go on then.” I hooked a finger over my shoulder. “Get back to work before you get in trouble.”

Laci reached out to give me a hug before quickly stepping back, obviously remembering there’s a no touching rule in place. I definitely didn’t want to get kicked out before I’d managed to at least get the digits off Jez.

Chapter Four


Ten minutes from the end of my shift I sent Remy outside to wait for me down the road. I knew if my dad or his men saw me leaving with him, we wouldn’t get over the threshold—he wouldn’t get over it alive, and I needed him alive for all I wanted to do with him.

Excitement bubbled inside me as I made it to my bike without anyone stopping me. I spotted Remy loitering on the corner of the street I’d suggested he wait on and pulled my bike to a stop beside him.

“Hey. Jump on,” I suggested with a flick of my head.

Remy stared at me warily. “You want me to get on the back of your bike?”

“Yes. Unless you wanna walk to my place. Although by the time you get there, I can’t guarantee I’ll be up for anything fun.” I shrugged nonchalantly as I made to ride off from the curb, leaving him there.

“Wait. Okay.” Remy sighed irritably before throwing his leg over my bike and pushing his crotch up against my arse.

Not giving him a chance to second guess his decision I peeled away from the curb and in return felt his fingers grip my hips painfully.

It was a short trip to my apartment, even though I’d made out like it wasn’t. I’d just wanted to know if he’d allow me to be in control. From the little I knew about him; I had a feeling I was going to like this guy and I didn’t need another control freak in my life.

I turned off the ignition once I was in my designated space, in the corner of the underground parking lot. I shifted to slide off the bike, but Remy held me in place.