Crow’s Enemy




In life, your loyalties get tested in many ways and being labelled a cheater isn’t always as cut and dry as one might think.

I’d never thought I’d break my vow to my club.

I’d prided myself on honesty loyalty and being a man of my word. But as I found myself beaten black and blue, sitting butt naked in the torture chair of the enemy, the Vultures MC. I was beginning to realise I’d already done so, without even knowing it.

All because a gorgeous, sassy chick had caught my attention and pulled the wool over my eyes.

You could say I was blinded by love.

Chapter One


The blonde I was following scurried around the corner, and I quickened my pace not to lose her this time. We’d played this same game a couple of days ago, but I’d paused too long deciding whether I should break the rules and follow her into enemy territory and lost her trail. That was something I wasn’t going to let happen again.

The dark streets of Vultures Motorcycle Club territory were a dangerous place, especially to a Sinister Crows MC member and that was exactly what me and my baby sister, Laci, were. It was well known that Blaze, the Prez of the Vultures MC, ran a tight ship in his territory and if he found Crows here, I’m certain we’d be shot down without a chance to explain ourselves.

I’m normally not one to feel vulnerable but without my cut, or a brother at my back I was more than on edge. The only thing spurring me on was the fact that my baby sister had been sneaking into enemy territory for more than a week and it was time I got to the bottom of her secrets.

“Fuck me!” I muttered as Laci greeted the big bouncer on the door of Blaze’s strip club, Poochies. Of all the places she could be going it had to be here. A lot of his men won’t recognise me on sight but being VP of the Sinister Crows, I’ve been at meetings between our two MC’s trying to arrange a truce, so Blaze and his VP would the second they laid eyes on me.

Deciding Laci’s safety was more important than anything, I took a deep breath and strode up to the door she’d disappeared through.

“Evening.” The bouncer gave me a nod as he held open the door.

I let out a calming breath hoping to release some of the tension in my body before I nodded back and my eyes roamed around the small space in front of me. There was a glass window on one wall which had a woman sitting on the other side.

Seeing me, she slid the window open and held her hand out. “It’s twenty bucks door charge if you wanna see what’s behind that curtain.” She gestured with her head towards the long black velvet curtain that was hanging at the end of the hallway.

It didn’t block out any sounds, I could still hear the music and general chatter from the other side, but it was thick and heavy, stopping me from seeing anything beyond it. I knew what would be on the other side, and with the Crows owning our own strip club—that I could get in free of charge—I didn’t particularly care to see what would be there.

Laci was the reason I was at Poochies, and I needed answers to the secrets she’d been keeping from her family—Me and our MC. I pulled out the money and handed it over, taking the drink token from her. “Thanks Darlin’.”

As soon as I was on the other side of the curtain, I flicked my eyes around the room looking for Laci. It didn’t take me long to spot her, she smiled at a guy who was giving her a lecherous look and passed him a bottle of beer off her tray. He shoved some notes into the waist band of the skimpiest shorts I’ve ever seen my sister wear. Her fucking arse cheeks were hanging out and as I lifted my eyes, I could see her tits were almost spilling out of her tiny bikini top. She must have been wearing them under the skirt and t-shirt she’d left the house in because she hadn’t had time to completely change her outfit while I was making my way inside.

“Fuck me!” I growled to myself.

“I wouldn’t say no to that offer.”

I spun around at the sassy remark and let my eyes roam over the inked-up beauty before me. Liking every damn inch of her I saw. Ink covered her arms and neck just like it did mine. Her hair was short, curly and dusky pink. As my eyes drifted lower, I could see that she was wearing the same skimpy outfit as Laci, but she had a checked shirt tied over her bikini top which only hindered my sight of her tits a little. My eyes lifted to hers, which were still eating me up.

I gave her a raised brow and a smirk, when her gaze finally met mine. “Be careful beautiful, I might just hold you to that.”

Her face lit up as she grinned at me mischief clear in her eyes. “Is that a promise?”

Fuck! Who was this woman and where had she been hiding all my life?

Chapter Two