
“To achieve immortality, you need to cheat Death. That’s basically the key to success, but my intentions weren’t—then or now—to stay alive in a world which might devolve over the next five centuries. I don’t want to be a vampire, Seth.” God, it felt so nice to finally speak his name. “I want you. It’s been you since I can remember, and I’m sorry that I lied. Sorry that I cheated.”

“You said you love me. Was that a lie?”

“No! No, it wasn’t. I wouldn’t have gone to all this trouble to lie to you.”

His weight shifted, then she was rolling onto her back, urged by his hands on her hips. The first thing she noticed was the lines of anger still marring his beautiful face, particularly around his eyes and mouth, but overall, his expression was more wary than anything.

“I think Adephis was wrong. I don’t believe you’re incapable of love, Seth, I just think you haven’t been given many chances to find it.”

Something flickered in his eyes, stirring the unhappy shadows lurking there. “I was created to be a solo cog. Tirelessly and efficiently removing souls from one plane to the next in order to maintain the integrity of that system. Love was never supposed to be on the cards. But I am tired, Lara. Tired of wading through grief, tired of being alone.”

She lifted her hands, cupping his cheeks. “So don’t be.”

Jaw clenching, he shook his head. “You won your freedom. I’ll have my fill of you, make memories to remember you by, and release you.” Dislodging her touch, he reached down and hooked a hand beneath her thigh, pulling it up and back. A moment later, he thrust inside her, wrenching groans from them both. “I can try and defy the powers that be when it comes to sparing you—I don’t ask them many favors.”

“That isn’t love,” she insisted, fighting to gather her words as he tilted his hips, stroking all the finer points of pleasure inside her.

“If you love something, you have to let it go, and hope it will come back one day. I can’t keep you here, Lara. Death is the only thing you’ll find here, and you threw your life on the line to stay alive. Cheating or not, you took an incredibly big risk.”

“Do you think I don’t know that?” Good Lord, why did no one mention how exhausting it was trying to hold a conversation while being slowly, thoroughly fucked? “Forgive me for—oh—repeating myself, but the deal was that I live the rest of my life how I want to. I want to spend it with the man I love. That’s you.”

Seth rammed into her, his emotions affecting his rhythm. “No more talking.”

Lara’s nails jammed into his shoulders, gripping like a frightened kitten when he collared her throat, squeezing hard enough to cut off her air and ensure there would be no more talking. Bubbles of panic filtered through her blood, replacing the oxygen.

She lost all track of the conversation, floating on a rising high of pleasure. Her body rocked and jerked in time with his thrusts, whittling away knots of pain and smoothing everything out into one blissful experience.

When spots filled her vision, her heart thudded in apprehension. Pressure built in her chest, screaming for her lungs to drag in a single breath. All she saw was his face, the sadness and concentration in his eyes as they bore into hers.

For a few moments, just long enough for her to suck in a couple of desperate breaths, his hand relaxed. She swallowed, determined to get her point across, but the instant she said his name, his fingers tightened again, and her voice became lost in the harsh sound of flesh slapping on flesh.

I love you circled through her mind like a mantra, spinning in sync with his thrusts. Maybe if she thought it over and over again, willing him to look into her head and see the truth, there was a possibility she could turn around the trainwreck of a disaster she could feel heading their way.

This couldn’t be goodbye, yet she was afraid it might be the end.

Seth let go of her throat, slapping his hand against the sheets. Her breath wheezed in, only to pant out again as he picked up the pace. Keening, she managed to hook her legs over his hips, her arms around his neck, and draw him down to her.

If he sent her away, banishing her back to the mortal realm, there would never be another man for her. Her ill-gotten extra years would be spent alone, with no family, no children, no husband or lover. Every single thing she’d done up until now had been focused on getting exactly where she was now, and while her means had been foul, her intentions were pure.

How could she go back to normal life as though this hadn’t happened? Her pussy would never forget the sweet, painful stretch of his cock opening her up, how the length and girth filled her. It would be impossible to stare into another man’s eyes the way she stared into Seth’s now, and not think about Death, not compare a mortal to a fucking god.

Her orgasm started, tiny trickles of snow on a mountainside skittering down, snowballing into something far more destructive. Her hips lifted into his, fell away as he withdrew. The fat crown of his cock ignited every nerve ending into spasms, until her head arched back on a cry, and her body detonated.

For the second time, she felt the slight chill in her belly signaling his own release, and she clutched him as close as her trembling limbs would permit, stroking his back unsteadily as he grunted through his climax.

Breathing hard, she sagged into the sheets, trying to organize her thoughts so she might ambush him with the truth while they both recovered. Her heart pounded against his chest when he eased his weight lightly on top of her.

“Will you listen to me now? To a logical request?”

“I’m not done with you yet.”

Lara could only pray that was true.

* * *