Chapter Fifteen


Hours pass without word from King. The other girls try to take my mind off it with stories of Erin and Dani, but they feel more like the kind of tales you share when a friend has passed, and I refuse to believe they’re dead. They can’t be.

I force myself to smile and laugh when it’s appropriate, slipping on a mask once again, but even that is hard. Something about this whole situation seems off. It’s awfully convenient that King personally knows the exact man V described. And why the hell would he take her to his family’s restaurant if it could be so easily tied to him? Anyone who has ever watched true crime on TV would know not to make such a rookie mistake. Then King storms off alone to handle it.

If I didn’t know better, I would assume King was in on it. The more my mind wanders down that line of thought, the more uneasy I become. There are men at each entrance of the club, and I know King put them there for our safety, but they could easily be keeping us locked in. Then there is the fact that he had me call the other girls here. That sort of move certainly would be easier than tracking each of us down separately.

But it doesn’t fit with everything I know and have heard about King. Not to mention, he would have absolutely no reason to target the other girls. I was the one who pretended to know him and used his name to get out of a bind. He had the right to come after me then and didn’t. Well, not in the way he is known for, anyway. He has been hateful and rude, playing hurtful mind games and trying to trip me up from the moment we met. But when I showed up here worried, he seemed surprised and has gone out of his way to help.

I pick up my phone and try my dad again. I’ve tried to call him every half hour since Jeffrey left, needing to know he’s safe. That’s another thing that doesn’t fit. King knows my father. He respects him. I honestly don’t think he would harm him.


“Dad? Where are you? I’ve been trying to reach you for hours.”

“Sorry, Pumpkin. I was playing golf. You know I always leave my phone in the bag when I’m there. The service is crap.”

Relief floods my veins.

“I’m so glad you’re safe. I’ve been worried.”

“Why wouldn’t I be safe? It’s just golf, Dear.”

“I know. I just don’t like not being able to reach you.”

“Did you need me? It’s not Thursday, is it?”

“No, Dad, it’s not Thursday. I just wanted to hear your voice. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I hang up the phone and slump back in the chair. My chest feels like a thousand-pound weight has been lifted off it. I debate trying my luck with calling King’s phone too, but don’t want to interrupt what he’s doing since lives might literally depend on it. No sooner do I dismiss the idea when he walks in, Erin and Dani at his side. They look shell-shocked and filthy, but in one piece and alive. I run across the room and pull them to me.

“I’m so glad you’re okay. You are okay, right? Do you need to go to the hospital?” I ask the girls then turn to King. “Why didn’t you take them to the hospital? They might need medical.”

“Nolan. Stop. We’re fine. We don’t need a doctor. King offered and we both refused.”

“Oh. That’s good. Good that he offered and good that you don’t need it too, I mean that’s good, right?” I realize I’m chattering a hundred miles a minute but can’t seem to shut my mouth off. Every thought in my head spills across my lips. I turn to King to thank him, noticing for the first time since he walked in that he’s covered head to toe in blood.

“Oh, my fuck. What the hell happened? Are you okay?” I ask, rushing to his side.

“Yes, my little hellcat. I’m fine. The blood isn’t mine. Well, mostly. I’m going to clean up. Ladies, if you’d like a shower, I can show you to a room.”

“A shower would be wonderful,” Erin says, tugging on Dani’s hand. I follow behind the three of them, sensing something has changed in this dynamic and not quiet understanding what. The elevator door opens, and King lets Erin and Dani enter before turning back and holding out a hand to me. My heart speeds up in my chest, banging against my ribs like windows in a car full of bass. I take his offered hand and step inside with him.

King leads the girls through one of the first doors on the upper floor, pointing out the bathroom, towels, and a closet filled with clothing he says they can choose from. With that task complete, he stalks to his room, shedding clothing as he enters. I lean against the doorway, marveling at the way his muscles bunch and contract with each movement. He steps into the bathroom and beckons me forward. I’m dying to ask a million questions, but the fire in his gaze silences the thought. Stepping close to him, I raise on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. “Thank you for finding them, and for keeping them safe. Thank you for everything,” I say between kisses.

King growls against my mouth, his tongue forcing my lips to widen. Strong arms pull me to his chest. The flutter in my stomach turns to a full-blown flight, the world fading away while he devours my mouth. He pulls away long enough to start the shower and rip my clothes from my body. My legs turn to jelly. He lifts me, setting my ass on the vanity counter, and spreads my legs with his knee. “I need to feel you. Now.”

“Yes.” I breathe the word.

His cock is poised at my entrance. I scoot against the countertop’s edge, trying to force him to enter. His lips find mine again, bruising in their intensity. My arms wrap around his back, my nails digging into his flesh. I whimper, begging. The thrust takes my breath away. King seats himself inside me fully. His body shudders, then he’s pulling back and driving into me over and over again, taking all his pent-up rage and aggression out on my pussy.

I die right there on the spot. The orgasm that rips through me tears my soul from my body. My pulse is the only sound I hear rushing in my ears, one hundred and ten beats per minute of pure, unadulterated bliss. King lifts me off the counter and steps into the shower. My legs wrap around his torso, his cock never leaving the tight confines of my pussy. The cold wall is a shock at first, then King is moving inside me again. He spins, leaning his back to the wall, and lifts my body up and down while pumping into me. Another orgasm is building fast. I wrap my hand in his hair and pull his mouth to mine.

He groans low in his throat, his movements more frantic by the second.