“Nolan?” His voice startles me. I turn to him.
“Can you call the other girls and have them meet you here?” he asks.
“Of course.” I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier. The note implied that Erin was only the first. I should’ve already called them to make sure they were safe and accounted for, but my brain was stuck in a fog, not fully computing.
I dial Carley first because she’s the last one I spoke to and the first in my call log. She answers on the second ring, and I let out a breath of relief. I explain that I need to meet with them and tell her where to come, then call the other four girls.
My chest aches when Dani’s phone goes to voicemail. I hit redial and hold my breath while it rings in my ear. When it goes to voicemail again, a cold sweat breaks out on my skin. My stomach knots.
“I can’t get Dani, but the other three are on their way,” I say, wringing my hands in my lap.
“I’ll send someone to her place. Maybe she’s still sleeping,” King offers.
I nod, giving him the address without hesitation.
“This can’t be happening.” I stand and start pacing. “Who would do this? And why?” My questions aren’t directed toward him, but he answers anyway.
“I don’t know, Kitten. There are some fucked up people in the world.”
I stop and stare at him. King, one of the most fucked up individuals I’ve ever heard of, is standing right in front of me, looking lost while offering me solace. The laugh escapes before I have a chance to rein it in, his widening eyes making me laugh even harder.
“Nolan.” King’s voice is laced with concern as takes a step toward me. I hold up a hand, and he halts.
“I’m fine,” I reassure him between bursts of giggles. “It’s just... you.”
He frowns and takes a step back. I realize how the statement sounded and sober. All signs of laughter flee. “Kaius...” I reach up, letting my fingers trail down the side of his face. The coarse hair across his jaw scratches at my soft finger pads. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
He stands so still a passerby might mistake him for a statue. Stepping closer, I lift on my tiptoes and press my lips to his. “Thank you. For everything.”
I mean it with every fiber of my being. I don’t know what I would be doing right now if King weren’t here, if he weren’t helping me figure this out.
His hand covers mine, and then his fingers slide down my arm before wrapping around my waist and pulling me to him. His lips soften, curving over my own. My pulse races. This is different. This isn’t him staking a claim or demanding. His mouth asks a question with each slow pass against mine. His kiss is tender and gentle. My lips part for him without hesitation. When his tongue touches mine, electricity races down my spine. Every nerve ending in my body is a living flame.
I lean into him, my bones turned liquid. His fingers dance along my rib cage, both teasing and erotic.
“Uhm.” Someone clears their throat from the doorway, and I pull back enough to see Jeffrey standing there gaping at King. His face is bruised black and blue. The red marks I saw on King’s knuckles now make perfect sense. I wonder fleetingly what he did to anger King and decide just as quickly that I don’t care.
King’s gaze dances across my face before turning to Jeffrey. “Make yourselves useful downstairs.”
Jeffrey continues to gape at him until King barks, “Out.” Jeffrey closes the door behind him, and we are once again alone.
Chapter Twelve
I’ve never been nervous by nature. It wasn’t allowed. But... when the door clicks closed again, my stomach flutters like a million birds just took flight inside it. I peel my gaze from the door and return it back to Nolan. Her cheeks are stained with a rosy hue, and she won’t quite meet my eye.
I’ve fucked hundreds of women, taken every sweet morsel of flesh that has been offered to me if the mood struck, but never in my life have I felt like I do when Nolan kisses me.
Fucking kisses me. That’s it.
My hand is still on her waist, just above her hip. I squeeze gently, and she responds by leaning into me, her head on my chest. “Kaius,” She mumbles, making my heart thrum. No one has called me by my name since my mother passed away. My father was King before me. Until his death, I was King Jr., Little King when I was younger.
“Yes, my little Hellcat?” I ask, running my fingers up her spine.
“Do something for me?” She shyly peeps up at me.