Two—I was not to let anyone on the property I didn’t know.

Three—most importantly—let him know when I leave and arrive from places.

Some may say Lawrence’s behavior is a bit much. Possessive versus protective. I tell them to shut the hell up.

If the man I love asks me to do these things so he knows I am safe, I choose to follow through. It isn’t daunting. It doesn’t diminish who I am.

I am my own woman. Make my own choices. But there is nothing wrong with, from time to time, letting my man take the helm. He loves my fire and insatiable hunger as much as I love his dominance and voracious need. It is a give and take for both of us.

The gate buzzer echoes throughout the house and I dash to the keypad by the door.


“Grocery delivery for York.”

“Be right there.”

I slip on shoes and jog down the driveway.

Preincident, I would’ve opened the door to anyone. Now, not so much.

I meet the delivery guy at the gate and wave thank you as he drives off. I collect the bags, take them inside, and get to work.

Tonight, I aim to quell Lawrence’s fear. Tonight, I want this man to resurrect his little phoenix.

Chapter Twenty


The house is dark when I open the door. Only a flicker lights the way.

“Skylar?” I call out as I enter the house from the garage.

“In the kitchen.”

In the dark, the kitchen feels a mile away. I kick off my shoes and pad across the floor to the kitchen. A lone tea light candle lights the space, but I don’t see her.

Panic floods my bloodstream as I scan the room. The few heart pounding seconds end when I spot her on the counter, off to the side. Naked.

Holy hell.

The zipper of my pants digs at my flesh as I take her in. My heart racing for an entirely different reason now.

More than a month has passed since I was last inside my girl. Since her warmth enveloped me and brought me to my knees.

Tonight, I make amends.

Like a jaguar hunting prey, I take measured steps in her direction. Run my fingertips along the edge of the island counter. Lick my lips as I rake my eyes over her exposed flesh.

“What’s my little phoenix been up to today?”

I stop a foot away. Eager as I am to take her, the foreplay will make it so much better when I do.

She hums, lifts a hand to the top of her sternum, then trails her fingers down her midline until they land between her thighs. Once, twice, three times, she circles her clit. She props one foot on the counter and spreads her legs wider.

Sweet fucking Christ.

“I made dinner.” Skylar is dinner. “And dessert.” She circles her fingers again before they disappear inside her.