“Lena,” his deep voice greeted, and just like it had half a year ago, goose bumps spread over my entire body.

“Theo,” I gasped, still keeping my gun trained on him. “What are you doing here?” My eyes widened as I looked around us. “I could have had a partner with me or—” I cut myself off. Of course he would have known I was alone. He was Theo Black. “What are you doing?” I repeated, deciding to stick to that line of questioning.

He stood slowly, removing his hood completely. “Well…” He stepped around the table, not looking away from my eyes for even a millisecond. “I have unfinished business.”

“Unfinished business?” I asked, my feet frozen to the floor as he stepped around the table.

“Yeah.” He tilted his head. “I’ve spent the last six months in hiding, trying to figure out who you were and why you came clean.” I swallowed, deciding not to say anything because if I was honest with myself, I’d done the same. “But I realized”—he took two more steps forward, leaving only about ten feet between us now—“that I’d forgotten something.”

“You forgot something?” I whispered.

“Yeah,” he murmured. “But now it’s time to come and collect it.”

“Collect it?” I repeated. “What—” I cleared my throat. “What did you forget?”

He waited for a beat, the atmosphere swirling around us, until he said “You.”

“Me?” My eyes widened, my arms starting to shake with the weight of holding my gun outstretched.

“You’re a cop,” he said, taking a couple of more steps. “But more than that, you’re mine, Lena.” My breath caught in my throat at his words. “I tried living the last six months without you, but…I can’t. I need you. I want you.” He took the last few steps toward me as I lowered my gun. “Come with me,” he begged. “Leave this life behind and start a new one with me.”

I should have thought it through. I should have hesitated, but I didn’t. I nodded, silently telling him that I couldn’t live without him either, then sealed the deal with a kiss.

I’d give everything up to be with him, and as I pulled away and looked up into his eyes, I knew he’d do the same.

We were meant to be enemies, but we’d become lovers, and I didn’t regret it for a single second. Because Theo Black was the other half of me—the half I hadn’t realized I’d been missing until we met. But now we were whole again, and I’d never be apart from him again.

It was me and him against the world.