I opened my mouth as she took one of the phones, about to tell her to stay behind, but I was too late because Jared asked me, “I need the keys to the warehouse.” By the time he’d said warehouse, Lena was halfway to the door, not looking back once.

There was something going on with her, but I couldn’t find out now. We had rules before a job, and as the person who had created them, I couldn’t then break them. So all I could do was wait—wait until the job was done.

Because Lena didn’t know it yet, but I would burn the whole world down just to have her.

She’d taken root deep inside me, and there was no killing it. It was there to stay, whether I wanted it or not.

Chapter Thirteen


I paced the length of my apartment. Back and forth, back and forth. My arms by my sides and then crossed over my chest. I was restless, not able to sleep at all as I went over and over in my head what I’d said to the Chief.

I’d told him every bit of Theo’s plan. When, where, who, and how. There was no way they were going to get away with it. As soon as they walked in there, they’d be taken down, and the kicker was, I had to be there to not cause any suspicion.

This was what I’d come here to do. I was tasked with gathering enough information to take Theo Black down, and now I was single-handedly going to destroy him.

He was a criminal.

I was a cop.

It was what I was meant to do.

So why the hell did I feel so damn shitty about it? Why did I feel like I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life? There was something that didn’t feel right about the entire thing. My gut was screaming at me, but it didn’t matter how much I went over everything from the moment I was thrown undercover, I still couldn’t piece it all together.

Maybe if I explained things to Theo…

No. I couldn’t tell him. There was no saying what he’d do to me, but…I had to see him. I had to see Theo, just one last time before all of this went down. After today, I’d never see him again, and although that thought terrified me, I also couldn’t end things like this.

Just one last time.

I was saying goodbye, that was what I told myself as I slipped out of my apartment, to my car, then drove over to his complex. I knew the keypad number to get into the elevator, and I knew what code to input to allow me in the penthouse.

Theo had trusted me. He hadn’t doubted me for one second. And although I thought it was weird that he hadn’t wanted answers or to know where I’d come from and my entire life story, deep down I knew it wasn’t. We had a connection, one that nobody would ever understand. It was like our souls had known each other for lifetimes.

So as I stepped inside his apartment at five am, the sun starting to rise high in the sky, I wondered if I should just come clean. Maybe if I told him everything then he could change the plan. That way I could stay undercover and we could be together in secret. And I could figure out why the Chief wanted to take Theo down so bad. Obviously I knew it was because he was a criminal, but there was something more to it.

I stared around at the open space in his penthouse. Who was I kidding, we were never going to be together like all the other couples around the world. When we both were true to ourselves, we were enemies, not lovers. Yet…we were lovers.

I gripped my head, frustrated with my thoughts. They’d been swirling for days, and there was nothing I’d been able to do to stop them. I’d gone back and forth, convincing myself that everything would work out while also knowing that we were doomed.


Snapping my head up, my gaze immediately connected with Theo’s where he was standing at the top of the stairs. His eyes were half open, his hair a mess on top of his head. I’d woken him up. I should have remembered he had an alarm in every corner of his place.

“Theo,” I sighed, my feet already carrying me toward him. “I need to talk to you, I need—”

“You shouldn’t be here,” he reprimanded, frowning down at me.

“I know.” He had no idea how much I shouldn't have been here, but none of that mattered right then. I had to touch him one last time. “I just”—I made it to the top of the stairs—“I just need you.”

His nostrils flared at my words, his body leaning forward. I hadn’t meant to come at him with that approach, but for right now, I decided I was going to be honest with him, both physically and verbally.

“The job is in eight hours,” he said, wrapping his arm around my waist in his telltale way.

“I only need two hours,” I commented, pressing my hand to his naked chest and over his assortment of tattoos. I slid my other hand to his waistband, pushing him so we could be past the door upstairs. Once it was locked into place, I grabbed his wrist and led him to his bedroom.

We’d only stayed there a couple of times because he preferred to be at my place more than here. I had no idea why because his penthouse was out of this world, but it had worked for us.