“Look, I’m not here to cause problems.”

He puts his hands up, and a small smile tugs on his lips. I know he’s being genuine, but I don’t have any confidence in him.

“Honest, Talia.”

“You just being here is the very definition of the word problem.” I place my hands on my hips, trying to keep my breathing even. “How did you even find me?”

He cocks his head a little to the right, lifting his brow, and I know it was a stupid question to ask someone like him.

“You’re not the only one who can pay people a shed load of money to find people.”

“If that’s the case, you’ve been pretty shit up until now, Sebastian. Guess I made it easier now I’m back under your feet.”

“You mean the bodies you’re willing to litter the city with?”

I screw my nose up innocently, happy over the fact. “You noticed, huh?”

He sighs heavily, running a hand tiredly over his face at my jibe.

“Why are you here, Sebastian?” I ask, knowing full well he isn’t here for niceties. “I’m clearly back with good reason, but why are you here?”

“Really, Talia? You have to ask?”

“I thought it was Miss Abernathy to you?”

I say that rather scornfully, to remind him of the other day back at the palace when he told me to leave before I went into the main room and witnessed first-hand what had become of my birthright.

“Look,” he starts, ignoring my comment. “Talia, you need to leave.”

I guffaw at him. This is him not coming here to cause problems?

“You know where the door is.”

I’m not entertaining this ludicrousness. Especially as he’s only echoing what he said the first time we saw one another.

But the moment I put my back to him, I realise I left in the dead of the night without a fight once. I’m not about to be chased away again.

“You saw me at the palace, and I’m meant to stand here and believe you haven’t told him that?” I cock a brow at him in disbelief. “Your best friend, and you aren’t going to tell him I was there the other day?”

“That’s right.” He nods his head in earnest. “He has enough going on without knowing you were there to see what had become of The Company.”

“And without knowing you’re a liar.”

“I’m protecting him.”

“From who? Me?” I ask, unable to withhold my laughter. “That’s just laughable. What is little ole me going to do, Sebastian?”

He laughs in return, rubbing his jaw. The expression on his face tells me he has more to say. He’s fully aware of what I’m capable of and what hell I’ve started to reap.

Playing dumb is just fun.

“You took out the deli. Really, Talia?”

I shrug, moving across the room with a calmness I couldn’t find sitting down. So I found collateral damage? Everyone is exactly the definition of that when Beck is my end goal. Even Sebastian isn’t safe.

“I knew the sort of money that rolled in from there,” I admit, not even shedding a concern for what I ordered. “The best way to get the king is to cut him off.”

Andreas looks at me, horrified. He knew my plans and plots, but here I am, feeding them to the enemy. I just give him a small smile, one laced with subtle reassurance.