I drop the note, sprinting from the room and pounding on the door of Hudson’s room as the fear that I’m too late races through me. I’m screaming his name, begging him to open the door to me, sobbing the longer I stand facing the unmoving obstacle between me and my love.
My eyes are wet with tears, and I feel like I can’t breathe. No. No. No is the only thought in my head as I bang on his door.
“Hudson. Hudson! Come on. Answer the door, baby! Please.”
I know I’m begging, shouting and screaming in the hallway. Greg opens the door to his room and rushes over to stand with me.
“Landon what is it?”
His hands shake my shoulders roughly and I turn to face him. His eyes darken for a moment as he takes in the tears running unchecked down my cheeks and the way my body is trembling violently.
“Help me. I need to get to him. Please, Greg. Help me. He tried.. he’s tried to…”
I break off, shaking him off and hitting the door with everything I have. Greg sprints over to another door and bangs on it forcefully. After a few seconds Vikki answers and they have a conversation as I bang again and again on Hudson’s door, sobbing loudly. The only noises in the hallway are the cries that are ripping me apart and the soft voices of Vikki and Greg which are rising in panic.
Greg softly shoves me aside and boots at the door three times until it gives in. Greg bolts into the room with Vikki and I at his back. My breath stops when I see Hudson’s face. It looks like he’s sleeping, but there’s something unnerving about the stillness and my body reacts, running over to the bed and shaking him.
“Huds, baby, please wake up.”
He doesn’t move and Greg appears beside me, pushing me aside. He checks Hudson’s pulse and then picks him up and carries him into the bathroom. My body moves to follow him on autopilot, and I scramble to help, sitting in the bathtub as Greg lowers Hudson down onto my lap. Greg was in the army and knows basic first aid, so I let him do his thing. I watching, wincing as he puts his fingers down Hudson’s throat, making him gag and throw up before he turns the cold water on in the shower.
Vikki is on the phone to a doctor, and I can hardly hear because Hudson starts moving and I bury my nose in his hair, breathing him in. His chest begins moving more rapidly and he vomits again.
I don’t care about the vomit, but when he turns and groans in my arms my sobs grow in volume
“Baby, my god, I almost lost you.”
My words come out between sobs, and I can’t stop the tears. Every memory, every moment with him flashes in my mind's eye and I crumble.
“I’m so sorry I left you. I’m so so sorry, but you can’t leave me baby. Please stay with me. Don’t let me go. Please? I’m begging you. Stay with me! I’m right here. I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.”
Hudson moans again and I press soft kisses to his neck, holding his body tightly in my arms. His heart is hammering against his chest, and he vomits again.
“Hudson, can you hear me?”
He hasn’t spoken yet and although he’s groaning, he’s still not spoken.
“Please baby. Please say something, say anything.”
He shudders again, but doesn’t speak for a moment until softly, so low it’s almost a whisper.
He sounds tired, scared and hoarse. I can’t help the sound that erupts from me. He turns his body so he can see me, and I can see the confusion and pain on his face.
He starts to ask when I slam my lips to his. I don’t care that he’s been throwing up and that we’re both shivering with the cold. All I care about is that he’s alive and in my arms.
“Fuck baby, don’t ever do that to me again. Please?”
He shakes his head as I press soft kisses to his lips. His body shudders and he starts crying. Small tears at first and then he curls around, wrapping his whole body around me.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry for everything.”
I shush him and rub his back as he sobs against my shoulder.