I don't wait for him to look up at me, instead I turn and take off as fast as I can down the stairs. I may be small and weak, but I've been conditioning my whole life. I'm fast and lithe. With my size I can get into places that most people can't. I'm not going to make this easy for him.

My feet hit the trimmed grass and my toes sink into the soft dirt. I take off running without looking behind me. I want to see the beast in all his glory when he's fucking me, not as he's watching me run away.

I run far into the trees, so he can see before doubling back to the stables I saw earlier. He didn't give me any restrictions, but I don't want to be too far away.

I jump over a fallen tree and my feet land in mushy mud, but it doesn't stop me from moving. The misty, crisp night air wets my face and hair. Even as I have to wipe it away I feel the smile on my face. I've never been this excited before. The unknown, the chase, the thrill—it's like something out of a nightmare, yet I yearn for it.

I want Savage to catch me. I want him to destroy every part of me and claim me as his own. I want to stay.

The revelation that bursts through my mind at that moment stops me in my tracks. I want to stay with Savage, but I also want to dance. I wonder if there's a way for me to do both. Would he be open to something like that?

A flash of color catches my attention and when I turn my head I see a large pair of glowing eyes.

“Oh fuck!” I squeak and take a step back. My center of gravity shifts and I fall backwards over a fallen log. A sharp pain shoots up my back, but quickly ebbs as I blink my eyes trying to figure out what kind of monster is perched on the branch above me.

A soft hooting sound resonates and I heave out a sigh of relief, just a fucking owl. Though it's the biggest damn owl I've ever seen in my life. I take a few calming breaths, but my ears twitch as I hear a twig breaking. There’s more rustling and then another step. That has to be Savage. He's looking for me and taking his time.

I pull my lips into my mouth as if he'd be able to see the white from my teeth as he scans the trees. I stay low and do my best to step on objects that wouldn't readily hold my footprints, finally I turn towards the stables.

My heartbeat pounds fast against my chest and my lungs feel like they're on fire from all the running that I've been doing. My feet are killing me and my bare legs are caked with dirt.

I look over my shoulder a few times to see if I can catch a glimpse of him, but I don't see anything except trees. My steps are quick and frantic as I make my way to the stables.

A loud sound of a branch breaking on the opposite side of the stables scares me and I spin toward the noise. Is he coming from that direction? Maybe I had got it wrong?

I search the area with my eyes and still don't hear anything. I need to get out of sight if I'm really going to hide from him. I know the main entrance of the stables looks over the open field, but there are a few large windows on the sides near the forest's edge.

I strain and push one open trying to stay as quiet as possible. It's higher than I had thought it was going to be, so I have to hang on to the edge of the window and climb up. I jump down into a stall, nearly screaming when a horse pops up and starts neighing loudly.

“Holy fuck! Shhh! Shh! I'm not here to hurt you!” I put my hands up to show the horse that I'm not a threat to it. He settles, but is still moving back and forth agitatedly.

I keep my back to the wall of his stall and without turning away from the mammoth beast I slide out the stall to close it behind me. I stop moving for a second. I swear I hear footsteps, but when I listen closer there's nothing.

I rush towards the front of the stables, but I don't go outside. Instead, I duck under a low shelf in one of the tack rooms. There's equestrian equipment all over the place and I find a nice tight space where I'm sure no one would look for me.

I press a hand over my mouth trying to stifle the loud breathing I'm doing.

Time seems to tick by faster than normal and my skin feels like it's crawling with anticipation.

My body freezes as I hear the thud of a heavy footstep right outside the stable door. Savage. He's here. He can't find me. I press my hand harder to my mouth to stop myself from gasping.

I didn't think I'd feel so afraid right now. After all, this is what he had told me to do right? He’d wanted me to run. What if I’d misread the situation?

My body trembles with uncertainty and every nerve ending on my skin buzzes with energy. I clench my muscles trying to keep myself from shivering, but that only makes it worse.

“Whore. No one knows you're with me. If I ravage you right now, who's going to come save you? When I find you, I'm going to make it hurt. You'll scream for me to stop as I force your body to come over and over again.” He grunts deeply and I watch as he fully walks into the stable and starts checking the stalls.

I don't know how I haven't passed out from holding my breath for so long. My chest burns with the need to breathe as I watch him walk back toward the exit of the stable. I sigh in relief.

“Gotcha, whore!” A hand juts out and he grabs my tank top.

“No!” I scream and dart out from under the small shelf, my top rips clean off my body, but I run determined to get away from the monster behind me. The sound of heavy footfalls thunder behind me and before I can even make it back to the window I climbed in from, his large hand wraps around my waist and hauls me off the floor. My legs are still moving back and forth as if I'm running.

“Get off me! Let me go!” I scream and fight him. The more I do, the more excited I get. The thin red shorts he’d given me earlier are soaked through with my arousal.

“Fuck, that's right. Fight me.” He growls out in my ear and I feel his heart pounding against my back. He kicks open the door to an empty stall and throws me onto a large pile of hay. It pokes, but it's still softer than the ground.

“Please, Savage. Don't do this. Please.” I beg and slowly crawl backward.