* * *

I have to get out of here. Logic tells me that I only need to ask Savage to set me free and he'd call for a cab to send me home. Though that would mean I'm giving up on him. I don't want that to be the last thing I say to him. If he won't give me the attention and structure I need, I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that I'm already broken to my core.

I don't know what time it is, but I do know that Savage is already gone for the night. The last time he was in here he’d checked his pocket watch and he only does that at the end of his time with me. I never see him again until I wake up. He must be sleeping.

This may be my only chance to leave without him knowing. I roll myself onto the floor. I can't use my feet, but I do have some feeling from the tops of my knees up. I can crawl; it would be slow and I'd probably scrape the skin off my bones. However, it's better than just laying here waiting for him.

I get to the door quicker than I’d thought and when I open it I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Crawling on the marble hallway floor is harder as my naked legs keep sliding.

I turn onto my ass when I get to the stairs and before I bounce down slowly, I glance out the window and realize it's pitch black outside. Nighttime.

It takes me a few minutes to get all the way down and when I do I have to move even slower on the high polish of the marble floors.

Footsteps sound behind me and a spark of excitement ignites inside of me. He'd see me and he'd drag me back. He doesn't want me to leave as much as I don't want to leave. Right?

I'm so confused. I'm lost in my own mind. My previous wishes and dreams pale in comparison to my need for Savage's approval.

My legs move faster and I ignore the pain in my arms and hips as I head straight for the front door. I have to turn around one corner and it's right there.

Right …?

I skid to a stop when I stumble upon Savage and two other men. Two other men I don't know.

“Oh, what do you have hiding in here? She looks ripe for the taking.” A man standing on the side of Savage says. He's tall and blond, but when he smiles he makes my skin crawl.

“Come on little one, stand up and let us see the goods.” The other man, a shorter, bald man says.

I don't want to impress these two or entertain them. Their smiles and lustful gazes feel wrong. I pull my legs up and wrap my arms around them getting as close to a ball as I can.

“Don't be like that pretty girl. I bet you're sweet, aren't you?” The taller one talks, I think, but I don't look up at him. I don't want his attention. Before Savage, I'd thrive off anyone's attention like a dog surviving off trash. But now after Savage, I know what fresh warm meat tastes like, I can't go back to the trash.

“She's not here to fucking entertain you,” Savage growls out and my cunt gets wet at the first sound of his voice.

“Easy, looks like she …”

“I don't give a fuck what it looks like. She's not here for you. Now avert your fucking eyes before I pluck them the fuck out of your head.” Savage steps in front of me, his protective stance making me relax slightly.

“Whatever Savage. We'll come check on you next week.” The two of them walk out the door and Savage turns his gaze on me.

I sit there ready for more silence. “What the fuck are you doing? You trying to make a fucking fool out of yourself in front of my company?"

I open my mouth to speak, but a squeak is all that comes out at first. I clear my throat and try again. “No, I didn't know they were here. I thought you were sleeping.”

“And what were you going to do? Flag down a fucking cab in the middle of the damn woods? Naked!” He yells at me and my head drops down.

“I can't take this … I can't,” I say softly over and over.

“Then fucking quit whore! Tell me to send you home and it's over!” He leans down and lifts me off the floor, but he has to hold me in his arms since my feet still aren't working.

“No!” I yell back.

“Why not! What the fuck are you trying to prove! This shit is simple, you want out. Quit!”

I grab hold of his shirt and shake with all my might. “No! Don't you think I know I can leave? It's passed through my mind millions of times. I can't. I don't know why I'm like this or why I need your approval so badly, but I do. I didn't even know people could be like this. All I know is if I ask you to send me home I'm just going back to another prison. Useless, cold and alone. I don't want anyone else's approval, just yours. I'll be good for you. I don't need anything, just tell me how to please you.” I lock my eyes with his and I swear I see those beautiful eyes soften. I stare at him not pressuring for a response, but simply enjoying the expressions filtering across his face.

Rather suddenly he says, “I need some rest.”

I try to let him go, but he doesn't budge. “I can crawl back up the stairs. I know the way. Or do you think I deserve the smaller room? Whichever you think is best.” I wait for his direction. Instead, he simply shakes his head and lifts me off the ground in a bridal carry.