“How did you end up matched with me? Tell me the truth!” He yells down at me.

“I don't know ... I don't—” Another poke of the taser this time lower on my body. My pelvis vibrates like a musical triangle. When he pulls the taser away this time, my body releases all the urine I have in my bladder. I continue to cry and shield myself as best I can.

“I cheated ... I cheated. I'm sorry.” He's going to kill me. I know it.

He backs up and the taser goes down by his side, the smell of burning flesh wafting in the air. “What did you say? Don't fucking lie either.”

“I cheat-tt-tt …” My teeth clatter and I have to take a deep breath before I start again, “I said I cheated. That's how I managed to be chosen for you. I cheated and still managed to fuck it up.”

He pulls over a chair that looks like it's part of a vanity set. There's no back to it, but the seat is upholstered and sturdy. “Explain yourself.”

I try to move from the puddle of piss, but he doesn't let me.

“Stay there, in your filth.”

I sit back down and liquid splashes up my back.

“Explain. From the beginning.”

“I was accepted into Century Ballet Academy, I've been dancing for all of my life. It's all I know and I hadn't made it into any other school straight from high school. My parents didn't think I was good enough and they wanted me to find a normal job, but I can't do that. I need ... I need to be on stage." I look down not wanting to show him how ashamed I am of how shallow that actually sounds. "Anyway, once I received my acceptance to Century Ballet Academy, I knew I had to do whatever it took to secure my spot, all that was standing in my way was the tuition. I tried to go to banks, but I've always had people do things for me. I'm beautiful and people usually treat me like I am. All this time I thought that by everyone doing everything for me it showed how much they were looking up to me. Turns out they were just holding me down. I have no other skills besides dancing. I have no credit. My parents gave me some money to survive and pay my rent, but they're not going to pay for the school. My friend told me about this service that matches you with people and they pay you. It seemed like an easy way to get the money. She even knew how to hack into the system and get the answers for the test that coincided with the match you wanted. I answered the test with the responses that were supposed to link up with a thirty something real estate tycoon that likes to be humiliated. I don't know where I messed up, but I obviously did since I was matched with you. Then when I saw the money I knew I couldn't just give up. Not without losing that and the chance to go through something like this again. I figured I could just handle whatever you had in store for me.” I shrug and after a few seconds when he doesn't say anything I look up to Savage's face.

“Are you telling me you had no idea what you were getting into when I pushed you into that limo?” His voice sounds horrified.

“No, I only got to look at the top sheet of the contract, I saw a few BDSM words and figured you were the opposite of the man I had chosen. Instead of me humiliating you. I'd be the one humiliated.”

He leans forward and scrubs his hand down his face. “Talk about a massive fuck up.” He jumps up and starts to pace in the center of the floor. “Still none of this makes sense. Have you been in a BDSM relationship before? Trauma? Prison? Something like that?” He eyes me warily.

“No, nothing like that. I've been pampered all of my life.” I answer honestly. At least he's not tasing me anymore.

“What about discipline? Did your family beat you?”

“No, the closest thing I've ever had to discipline is my mother not buying me a Porsche for my birthday. I got a Honda instead.”

He scoffs and rolls his eyes.

“Tell me you want to go home.” He orders with a tinge of aggression.

He wants to send me away, back to the fake laughter and phony friends? He wants me to be just Genesys? “No. I'm not finished here yet.” I am trying to get him to reconsider.

“If this is about the money, I'll pay for the days you were here. Tell me you want to go home.” He orders again.

I don't know when this had become more about seeing what I could take and what I could get from him than the money, but right now getting paid is the last thing on my mind.

“I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to do anything besides stay here and finish the time I have set with you. I signed a contract and I plan to uphold my end of the bargain.” I kneel in my piss and look up at him.

He walks over to me and puts his hand out to help me up from the floor. This is by far the kindest act that he’s ever done for me.

“You have to say you want to go home, Genesys. You can’t be here. The tests are put there, because I can’t change. There is no other part of me that is going to be easy on you. I’m going to treat you how I feel you deserve to be treated. Don’t do this to yourself. I’m telling you now you need to tell me you want to go home. I will call the car service and send you on your way. I won’t even let the match-making service know that you cheated if that’s what you're worried about. You can do this with someone else that would be better for you.” His eyes almost look remorseful.

“Savage, all I want is this,” I state and tilt my head to the side. I dare not smile. I don’t want him to think I’m laughing at him or something like that.

“Goddammit. Why are you doing this? What is the point?” He backs away from me as if the calm and sure nature of how I’m talking to him is confusing. I’m at peace with this decision. I’ll get through these two weeks. If I can’t, I know he’ll send me home. I don’t want to be a bad whore. I just want him to tell me how good I’m being for him. He’s the only one whose praises I know are the truth and the ones I crave right now. He’s touched something in me that no amount of standing ovations ever has.

“I’m not going to change.” He states again like a warning.

“Don’t, Savage. Train me to be your perfect whore. Break me until there’s no trace of Genesys left.”

He gasps and I swear I see his cock get hard right before my eyes. He growls as he rushes back over to me. I startle at the quickness of the large man, but he doesn’t hesitate. He grabs the back of my neck and turns me so my face is against the wall. He pulls the sack I’m wearing off and wipes me down swiftly before he undoes his pants and rams inside of me. I hiss out at the pain of my body stretching to accommodate him, but he doesn’t slow. He picks a brutal pace and I press my hands into the wall to get some leverage. He fucks me hard enough that my mind drifts back into that painful state right before I rocket straight into bliss. I come hard on his cock and he has to hold my waist to keep me from falling to my knees.