Eyes dry, face stone, ready for more.

She presents as a diamond, unbreakable.

She'll submit to me like none other before,

I lay her down and take her. It's a must before

she realizes she's becoming more than just my whore.

What is she playing at? When I had pulled her into the mansion I was sure that she’d not only give up after only a few days, but that I’d spend the majority of my days making sure she did what I asked of her. I know the power of money can be motivational, but something about this little whore is starting to make me believe that maybe this is about more than money for her.

She came on my cock.


I’ve made women come before, sure. But never because they wanted to. Usually after a few hours of clitoral torture they tend to become more submissive or they ask to go home. The pain is always there, but with this whore ... With Genesys, it’s like she had dug deep into her core and found the perfectly trained bitch she’s always meant to be.

She could’ve faked all of that, but she kissed me. I haven’t been kissed since I went into the service. No one ever bothers to hide their disgust for my face. I didn’t ask her to do it and I didn’t expect her to. She did it on her own.

I’ve already looked through the files I’ve gotten from the match-making office. Nothing in there said she was a submissive in her previous life. It did say she was open to any type of kink play, but there was nothing in her oral exam that said she’d done anything like this before.

I need more information on her. If she thinks I’d be played to look like a fool, she’s got another thing coming.

Chapter Six

I smack at the fly buzzing around my head and my hand hits something solid. Hard and furry. When I look up I see a huge spider hanging down from the ceiling right above my head. The legs move in succession as it gets lower and lower to the cement floor.

"Holy fuck! What that hell is that?" I scratch my face and push myself back to the wall. Over the past few days I'd gotten used to sleeping on the floor even though I have several severe bruises and deep lacerations from the different times I've been with Savage. What is the point of keeping me locked up here? From what I've seen of the place there is more than enough room for him to put me somewhere else.

Maybe this is what he thinks I deserve. He wouldn't have put me here if he didn't think that I was worth less than the average person and truly deserved to be here.

If you ask a person how they'd feel in solitary confinement the answer would likely be that they’d go insane, for me it's the opposite. Here in this drab, colorless room I'm finding out more about myself than I’d ever thought there was to know. The hum of silence is like a deep meditative state. Without the pressures of the outside world I can really figure out who I am and why I am the way I am. Every day outside of this room I’ve felt like I’ve had to play a part, like I’ve had to be someone society and my family thought I should be. I don’t think anyone has ever seen the real Genesys.

Take ballet for instance, I had started dancing all those years ago, because it was what I was told I needed to do. It was what I’d thought someone who looked like me should be doing—thin legs, long flowing hair, a body to kill for, a smile that lights up the room. Of course I needed to be doing something to entertain people. The better I got and the prettier I became the more people praised me. Since the very first standing ovation I ever got, I needed to be doing something that would make sure all the attention was on me. When I'm alone I feel like I'll disappear. It's one thing to want the spotlight and another thing entirely to need it in order to breathe.

I huddle back against the wall and try to get comfortable again now that I know the spider is nowhere near me. It's easy in some regards. Easy to just close my eyes, let all the cares and judgments that I have to live up to in the real world roll off my body.

I breathe deeply and feel the edges of my consciousness start to fray as sleep pulls me deeper and deeper within its grasp.

The door to my cell slams open and I jump in fright. “Wake up Whore!” Savage snarls down at me and I fight to right myself, but he moves too fast. Instead of waiting for me to get to my feet he grabs me by my hair. This seems to be the way he likes to move me from place to place. My legs drag on the rough stone until we are in the main hallway and the cool marble burns my skin as he continues to haul me without a care in the world.

“Savage, please, what's wrong? What have I done? I didn't make any noise!” I search desperately in my mind for a reason he would be so upset with me. Surely he couldn't be upset that I’d screamed at the spider? Is he? Really?

Finally, just as we get to what I assume is a guest bedroom by its furniture, he drops me on the floor and walks over to a table to pick up some papers.

“You're going to tell me everything I want to know and if you even think about lying to me the punishment will be severe.” He looks down at the papers as if they already have the answers to the questions he's going to ask.

I do my best to get to my feet, but my knee hurts. When I look down I see there is a nasty looking abrasion on my skin, probably from the dragging.

“Why would I need to lie to you? Honestly, is all this necessary?” I shirk back behind a chair as I glimpse his expression.

Savage's eyes flash with anger as he storms over in my direction, knocking the chair that's in his way against the wall breaking it in the process. He sticks two fingers up my nose, one in each nostril and yanks me forward. I try to yell, but it comes out more like a squeal instead of actual words.

“You’re nothing more than a fucking animal to be trained. Animals are filthy and selfish creatures. Of course you'd fucking lie to me, Whore. That's who you are. A fucking liar.”

He lets me go, but doesn't move from my space.

I grab hold of my nose, sure that I'm bleeding. Only I'm surprised to see nothing, but snot on my hand when I pull it away.