By the fourth week of this treatment, I was done.

We had our first assignment due next week, marking the fifth meeting of this class, and I knew exactly what I wanted to focus on for my project—sexual marketing.

There’d been a segment in our reading during week three about sensual advertising on social media and the difficulties with ad performance.

I’d spent my week studying and preparing my presentation. Then I’d paired it with an appropriate outfit, one I knew he wouldn’t be able to ignore.

Of course, he would have to listen to me anyway since we were all supposed to present for five minutes on our chosen topic.

The purpose of the assignment was to pick something from our first four weeks to elaborate on and apply it to a real-life situation. I suspected the purpose was to prepare us for the final he’d mentioned during our first class.

If he continued to ignore me, maybe I’d just show up naked and make my final presentation about advertising my non-childlike body to him. See how he reacted then.

Of course, Emily might beat me to it.

Every week, she simpered and giggled and flirted shamelessly. Not that I could blame her. Pierce was hot. All the girls in class were fawning over him. Some of the guys, too.

Perhaps that was why he ignored me—he was too busy entertaining thirty-four other students.

Well, he wouldn’t be ignoring me today.

I glanced down at my thigh-high boots, my lips curling in amusement. The heels added about three inches to my height. I’d paired them with a sleek black dress with capped sleeves. It was professional and elegant. And it fit me like a second skin.

It also ended right where my boots began.

I hid most of the ensemble beneath a black peacoat, the wool hem almost reaching my knees.

Which helped me walk across campus without any issues. Of course, the heels weren’t the best shoes for the trek, but my feet had experienced worse.

I entered the classroom with my bag on my shoulder, my laptop inside for today’s presentation.

Carver grinned in welcome, having already found his seat. “You ready for today?”

I smiled. “You have no idea.”

I didn’t take off my coat. I’d save that reveal for my presentation.

Pierce ignored me again, taking on his repetitive role from the last few weeks. He hadn’t even wished me a happy birthday, something he usually did annually through social media.

I pretended not to care.

But I did.

I cared a fucking lot.

Maybe it was his way of distancing himself from me because of this class. However, it felt petty. Mean. Cruel.

And it made me angrier at him.

I wanted to rant and rave and demand that he see me as me. But reacting that way would only make me appear even more immature in his eyes.

So I’d ignored the slight, kept showing up for class while armed with information, and had bitten my tongue when he’d continued to act as though I didn’t exist.

“We’ll be going in alphabetical order by last name,” he announced now, telling me I would be near the end of the presentations.

That was fine.

I’d go out with a bang.