“Perfect, because I brought my appetite,” Valerie says, grabbing a plate and three pancakes, bacon, and sausage.

I grab some pancakes for myself, and some fruit, things that go down easily. By the time we get to the party, despite doing next to nothing, I’m exhausted. Holden holds my hand on the couch as people start to file in. I don’t know many of them.

“These are people who weren’t able to get off to come to Paris too. So it’s a multi-purpose party.” He says in my ear.

I nod, shake hands, and try to keep my excitement inside. But when I see my mom, I have the sinking feeling that she’s just going to know. She’ll take one look at me, point at me, and screech that I’m pregnant.

Holden rubs my arm. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s my mom. I mean, she had me, she’s going to … she’ll know right?” I ask in his ear.

But she walks over to me and squeezes my cheeks. “Look at you, glowing with happiness. Isn’t new marriage fun!”

“I love it. I love my husbands.” I say, kind of in a daze.

She spots Valerie and beams, immediately distracted. I let out a sharp breath and lean against Holden. “Okay, I think we can manage this.”

He chuckles and kisses my temple. “I’m terrified, by the way.”

I rub his chest. “Thank god I’m not the only one.”

Holden hugs me tightly. “Absolutely not. I feel like I’m going to mess up no matter how many books I read and I’m scared for you going through all this.”

I take both his hands and squeeze them before pulling them to my chest. “As long as you’re by my side all logical and sensical even when I’m not, we’re going to survive.”

“The truth about a marriage,” My dad agrees.

He rubs my back. “You should have some of Nick’s spicy salsa, Soph. I bet it will be at your level of heat.”

“I’ll have some.” Holden volunteers, even though he hates spicy things.

Gunner takes up his spot by my side and leads me over to Roman to introduce me to some people, then I see Matthew. He smiles, despite looking exhausted. Roman rubs his shoulder. “Counseling?”

“Is enlightening.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Sophie, you look great.”


My stomach is rolling for more than one reason. All it takes is one person to notice, one person to say something, and then everyone will know. I almost put my hand on my belly, but Roman catches it.

“I’m right here, Bambina.”

“Here, Sophie.” My mom puts alcohol in my hand. I stare at it, then Gunner steals it. My mom gasps. “Gun! That was for your wife.”

“Listen, I’ve now seen her drunk and I’m not having it again. Neither her nor that wild thing over there.” He motions to Valerie.

“Oh my god.” My mom bounces as she looks between the three of us. I’m sure I’m pale. She takes my hand, jerking me towards her. “Already?”

“Mom,” I warn.

“You’re pregnant!” She squeals.

I swear, the whole party comes to a stop. I swallow and nod. “I just found out.”

“Sophie!” She squeezes me hard. I see worry flash in Gunner’s eyes like she’s going to break the baby by hugging me too hard. “I can’t believe it. I should have known when I saw you two weeks ago at dinner.”

“Congratulations!” It’s a universal thing from everywhere.

I take a slow breath and look at my four men. They shrug and grin. Well, here goes everything. Soon enough, we’ll have a baby and then a toddler running around and absolutely no sleep. I hope they’re ready to pack a whole lot of naughtiness and fun into the next seven months.