Holden and I manage to slip out of the hotel room and when we get in the elevator, I tug him against me and kiss him good morning properly. When the elevator stops, he jerks away and tightens his arm around me.

I rub down his chest. “How are you doing with everything? I didn’t even ask yesterday or at the wedding.”

“I’m okay.” He assures me despite the fact that as soon as we leave the hotel, I can see him change.

Holden has come a long way, I know that. I’ve seen it as we’ve worked together, as we’ve talked, how he’s opened up to me and started taking a stand for himself, but I know some things are harder to break.

He jumps when a moped races by and then puts himself between me and the road. I hug his side. “Hold …”

“Sorry.” He says reflexively.

“You don’t have to apologize,” I tell him. “I just want you to know that I’m willing to protect you from any muggers or awe-struck women we may encounter.”

He smiles very slightly. “You would?”

“Oh yeah. I have these dangerous acrylic nails and my teeth. What else do I need?” I ask with a wide smile.

He rubs down my back. “God, I love you so much, Sophie.”

“Well, I can’t let you do all the protecting. That’s not fair. Just like …” I pat my pockets as we get to the café. “Damn it. I left my wallet.”

“I can-”

“Absolutely not.” I don’t even have my phone. “Jeeze, the only thing I brought was the key card. Are you okay to get us a table and hold it down?”

He nods.

“Only using your resting bitch face.” I challenge him.

He grins and kisses me. “Hurry back.”


“Because I’ll miss you.” He twirls my hair around his finger. “I’m feeling like I can tell you some things today.”

That incentive is inane. I love learning more about Holden, especially when he tells me willingly. I bounce on my toes. “I’ll have to reach back for when I was in track. I’m sprinting.”

Holden laughs loudly as I take off. I make it all the way to the hotel room in record time. Even though I’m panting, I sort through my shit until I grab my wallet and phone. Roman tries to catch me, but I promise I’ll be back, saying I left Holden all alone waiting before running back.

As much as I love Roman and want to give him more than a peck on the cheek, Holden has given me incentive and is trusting me. No way I am throwing that away. Not for anything.


Iglance around nervously. Even while trying to suppress my discomfort and remind myself I’m safe, every slightly suspicious sound raises my hackles. The waitress brings me a mimosa which I thought would be harder to get. She flashes a smile and asks if I’d like anything to keep me busy while I decide what to order.

I let her know I’m waiting for my wife and she shrugs, telling me she’ll come back without losing that suggestive edge to her face. I’m a happily married man. Nothing could tempt me. Noonecould tempt me.

But then I see Nancy. She looks confused to see me in public but then helps herself to my table. She hasn’t even put on eye makeup which isn’t like her.

“Holden, I-”

“I thought you were leaving Paris.”

She flinches at my harsh tone, then shakes her head. “No. I’m at the hotel and everything. I didn’t expect to see you out and about … not at a place like this anyway. It’s so close to the hotel and so … small.”

I just nod. I don’t have anything more to say to her. She sniffs and looks down at her hands. “I’m sorry for how I handled things.”

I take a long drink from the mimosa, savoring the orange juice.