Page 5 of Love Denied

“Who shot him, Father? Who the hell shot him in his own park?”

Just when he thought he would scream at the lack of response, his father responded. A simple answer, but the world tilted on its axis. Nicholas knew in that moment that nothing in his life would ever be the same again.


Laurence? Dear God. Catherine! No wonder she was not herself. No wonder she had begged forgiveness. Her brother had killed his. Accident or not, her brother hadkilledhis. It was inconceivable. Laurence loved Daniel like family.

“How?” The question caught in Nicholas’s throat, sounding strangled, but his father understood well enough.

“Damned if I know. I was still weak when it happened, and I’ve yet to comprehend it.” He took a drink before continuing. “It seems they bet that one could best the other in a single day’s count. Somehow, Laurence’s shot went wrong. He did not see Daniel.” He finished the rest of his brandy in a single gulp, wiping with irritation at a dribble on his chin.

“But April? It’s the wrong season.” It was all his mind could grasp hold of. Hunting season did not commence until next month.

“You think I didn’t know that? Even as feeble as I was at the time?” His father glared at Nicholas. “You think I did not pursue this? Did not investigate?”

Chagrined by his father’s chastisement, Nicholas stared again at the flames. Of course the earl would have ordered a thorough examination. He was a hard man but not without integrity and, perhaps, some feeling. Besides, family was family.

“Laurence?” Nicholas asked.

“Fled. He knew I could not stand to have him about. The man who ruined my son, who put an end to my dreams.” His father spat out the words.

Nicholas could not withhold his gasp. Laurence? Was he insinuating deliberation in the act?

“Don’t be a fool, boy. To the army.” His father looked at him, disdain clear on his face. “You cannot possibly think that coxcomb could have purposefully hurt anyone.” He slammed his glass on the side table. “No. He feared my wrath. Feared repercussion and ran like a cur with his tail between his legs. Maybe the army will make a man of him.” He grunted. “Don’t know how that boy came from the loins of Stratton.”

The Lord of Woodfield Park leaned back in his chair, disappearing once again behind its plush side. Nicholas recognized the move. He would get no more information. His father had said all he intended to say, and Nicholas was dismissed. Grateful for the discharge, he quietly left the room without looking back.