Page 79 of Love Denied

Chapter Thirty-Five

Think you I am no stronger than my sex, being so father’d and sohusbanded?

—Shakespeare,Julius Caesar

Catherine studied LordThornwood as he looked out at the gray afternoon. He was as tall as Nicholas but leaner and not quite so broad through the shoulders. His hair was unfashionably long, but somehow it suited him, added an air of ancient wisdom.

He turned to her, his eyebrows drawing together. “You have carried much weight these last months. I wish we’d met earlier, that I could have been of some help while Nicholas was away.”

She did not doubt his concern was genuine, and she smiled at such sentiment. He was indeed a gentleman in every sense. Nicholas was right to put their fears in his hands. “Thank you. The support you are providing now is more than enough and is very much appreciated.”

“It is nothing,” he assured her. “Where do you think that husband of yours ran off to?”

She had no idea, but it seemed rude and ridiculous to run after him, so she had subdued the urge. Still, she was anxious, and clearly, Thornwood was too. “Please, do have a seat. I will ring for some more tea.”

He remained where he stood. “I find myself too restless to sit, nor am I in need of tea.” He strolled to the side table and poured a healthy amount of brandy, holding up the bottle toward her in question.

She shook her head. There was still plenty in her glass.

“Even from the devastation of fire comes new growth.” He held his glass high. “Many blessings to you and Lord Walford.”

She raised her glass in response, sipping cautiously. She was not accustomed to so much drinking and wanted a clear head, although she did appreciate the warmth that trickled down her throat, heating her stomach.

“Walford?” Lord Thornwood took a step toward the doorway.

Nicholas, as pale as she’d ever seen him, thrust a piece of paper toward them. She flew across the room. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly, and she ran her hands down his back, trying to soothe him.

She pulled back, frightened by what she saw in his face. “What’s happened?”

Color infused his face, quickly replacing his wan look, and his nostrils flared as he steadied his breathing. He kissed her forehead and released her, handing the paper to Lord Thornwood. She shivered at the controlled rage that vibrated through his body as he took her by the hand and led her to the sofa, pulling her down beside him. He leaned forward, grabbed her glass, and downed the contents. Fury and sorrow warred over his features.

“Read it aloud, Thornwood. Catherine must hear it, but I cannot…cannot…” His face twisted again.

Lord Thornwood hesitated, looking from Nicholas to her and back again. She nodded, grateful Nicholas was not hiding anything from her. He leaned against the mantel, appearing relaxed if one did not note the tension in his jaw or the sharp flick of his hand as he shook the parchment, its crisp fold suspending the paper until he brushed a hand down to straighten it. He did a quick scan, and his face grew grim. She tensed as his lips tightened when he glanced at her. His deep baritone could not soften the message.

Lord Walford,

You have chosen to do this the hard way. I would have taken the initial request and fled far from your world. But you have thrown it to the winds. The injury to your man is on your head, not mine. I meant him no harm. However, if you continue to deny all that is holy, to refuse to make recompense for the sins of your household, I fear more destruction will follow.

Your brother’s sins against God are too numerous and odious to recount. When your wife fled from you, did she suspect that blood runs true and that you are of an ilk with your sibling? Is that why you joined the army when there was no need? You enjoy the company of men? Is your man more than your valet? These are questions I ponder, wondering what the magistrate would think of it all.

I regret the pain I cause Lady Walford, who is always kindness itself and is once again dutifully standing at your side. I would expect no less of such a fine lady. However, no sin must go unpunished. I am your conscience, Lord Walford. Answer to me and then atone for your sins, and those of your brother, by committing yourself to servitude to Lady Walford.

Your fine has now doubled, but the directions remain the same. Leave the money on the steps of those hallowed halls of love. I expect it by dusk this eve. Do not send your man as you did before. I will be watching.

This is your final opportunity before full disclosure to all and sundry who will listen.

Catherine sat stunned. Whoever this was, they wanted to punish the brothers Woodfield. There was no doubt in her mind. Yet the person seemed to have a weakness for her. Or was that just artful deception?

“Why this leniency toward me? I aided and abetted Daniel and Laurence, not you,” she said.

Nicholas raised his shoulders, releasing them along with a lengthy exhale. “I’ve no idea. Were you friendly with any of the maids here? Brownlee?”

“No more than any of the staff.”

“Perhaps it’s a red herring, meant to mislead us?” Lord Thornwood suggested.

“Fredericks,” Nicholas muttered.