Page 77 of Love Denied

Nicholas shuddered to think of defiling Daniel’s body. “I need another drink.”

“I would have one, please.” Catherine’s request was hushed, her face pale. He was wallowing in his own agony and forgetting how distressing this was for her too.

He raised her hand and pressed a kiss to it. “Of course, my love. I am so sorry. For all this.”

Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Me too.”

He strode to the table, grabbed the decanter and another glass. He topped up Thornwood’s, then filled ones for himself and Catherine. The fire crackled as they stared at it, sipping quietly. Perhaps the rest need not be said? He had not heard any more from the scoundrel. Maybe nothing more would come of it? But what if it did? He needed to be prepared for all eventualities.

“I feel there is more.” Thornwood broke the silence.

“Yes, there is more.” This was not going to be easy. Nicholas could not fathom it himself; how was he to explain it to his friend?

“It seems Daniel was involved with another.” He struggled, grasping for the right words. “He was having a liaison with another. An illicit liaison,” he finished lamely.

Catherine placed her hand on his thigh, her eyes no longer shining and her determination clear. “I’ll not repudiate him. Either of them,” she said softly. She turned to Thornwood. “Daniel and my brother formed a bond beyond friendship. They loved each other.”

Thornwood whistled a release of breath, his shock clear in his uncensored expression. He leaned forward in his chair, his brandy cupped in both hands, held carelessly between his legs. “I would never have thought it.”

“Nor I,” Nicholas confirmed. “But it seems it was so.” He and Catherine shared the whole tale, leaving no detail untold. When they were done, they both leaned back and stared at Thornwood, awaiting his reaction.

“Well, that certainly explains your wedding” was all he said before downing his remaining brandy. He set the empty glass on the table and moved to the fireplace, rubbing his hands together as though cold.

Nicholas waited, caressing Catherine’s hand. He knew Thornwood. He was thinking, digesting the information and processing the facts.

Finally he turned around. “You fear the blackguard knows of Daniel’s relationship?”

“We cannot be certain he doesn’t.” Nicholas reached into his jacket and pulled out the letter left for Catherine.

Thornwood read it quickly. “This is ambiguous. It is difficult to discern what is referenced. The darkened halls and sullied hands could well be referring to the lack of disclosure over Daniel’s death. Suicide is considered a great blasphemy by the church as well as a crime by law. This could be the work of one of those rabid moral reformers.”

“I thought that too. It’s the reference to Catherine’s sacrifice that has me worried. It would seem this person knows what she was willing to do for love of her brother”—he ran a thumb down her cheek, her eyes luminous in the firelight—“and mine. For love of us all.” He leaned in and kissed her chastely, then clasped her hand snugly. He knew how difficult this was for her.

“Yes, I see your concern.” Thornwood began to pace. “Who knows of their association?”

“My father,” Catherine said.

“And mine,” Nicholas added.

“Yes, yes, that was clear. Who else might possibly know?”

“Fredericks,” he said at the same time Catherine said, “Nan.”

“And probably every other servant if your homes are anything like mine.” Thornwood smiled ruefully. “Well, the good news is no harm can come to Daniel by an accusation. His name will be sullied, but since he is no longer with us, it will not provide much amusement for long.”

“My father wishes to protect him in death. Pity he had not thought to do that in life.” Nicholas tasted the bitterness of his words.

“I believe he was trying to do just that with his actions,” Thornwood said unapologetically, holding up a hand before Nicholas could refute the statement. “I am not saying it was the most humane approach, but it was practical. Forgive my plain speaking, Lady Walford, but what Daniel was suggesting is a capital crime. He was trying to save his son from the noose.”

“Bloody hell.” Nicholas ran his hand through his hair, glancing sideways at Catherine to see how she was coping with that lovely image.

She remained calm, a wave of sympathy darkening her eyes. “There is no need to shelter me. I am no innocent. Their love was no offense in my heart, but I knew what the law would say. I fear their relationship is much harder for you to discuss than I.”

She was right. His stomach twisted at the thought. He had known loneliness yet had never turned to another woman, never mind… He shook his head. He did not understand it. But he loved his brother. Hell, he loved Laurence too. He would do everything he could to protect them both.

Brandy splashed in his glass. He hadn’t noticed Thornwood grab the decanter.

“So,” Thornwood continued as though he had not been interrupted. “The biggest concern is for Laurence. You do not want to see him charged with unnatural crimes.”