Page 75 of Love Denied

“I have never been known to turn down food.”

Catherine squeezed Nicholas’s hand. He followed the sway of her hips across the room to the table by the sofa. She bent over to fill a plate, the curve of her behind sweet enticement.

“Your smile borders on a leer, my friend,” Thornwood said quietly, a chuckle in his voice. “This is quite the turn of events. Clearly much has transpired since I was last here.”

Nicholas sobered. “You don’t know the half of it.”

“It can wait. I would see our guest fed first.” Catherine smiled at Thornwood, gesturing to the large chair by the fire. “Andyoumust eat.”

Thornwood caught the concern in her voice and raised his eyebrows at Nicholas questioningly.

He waved toward the chair. “Sit, sit. Catherine is right. Food first.”

Thornwood accepted the plate, sinking down into the chair. Nicholas took the proffered second plate and sat on the sofa. Catherine joined him, nibbling on a small piece of cheese. He watched her throat as she ate, wanting to lean in and kiss her long neck. His wife. She was a welcome distraction from what lay ahead.

She caught his stare, her slight flush enchanting. She reached out and rested her hand on his thigh. Heat radiated from the touch.

“Eat. Please,” she said quietly, then she redirected her attention back to Thornwood. “Some tea?”

“Mm-hmm,” Thornwood mumbled, his mouth full. He swallowed quickly. “Yes, please.”

Nicholas pulled apart a chunk of bread. Still warm, it gummed in his hands. He popped the piece in his mouth, savoring Nan’s delicious baking. His stomach responded in eagerness, and hungry for the first time in days, he worked his way through the plateful Catherine had prepared.

He watched her pour tea and converse easily with Thornwood. He had not realized Thornwood was stopping at the two boys. He had been an only child and had sworn that, when he was married, he would fill his home with a full brood. They had all changed over the years, hadn’t they? Circumstances shifted, and dreams were adjusted. Or surrendered.

The fire crackled, softly lighting the small, domestic scene. He was content to watch Catherine work her magic, weaving a spell over Thornwood. The man was relaxed, sharing intimacies as if they were lifelong friends. Her engaging candidness could charm the birds out of the trees.

“Your boys sound wonderful,” she said, rising to gather the plates. “You will have to bring them for a visit. Our lake is superb for swimming, is it not, Nicholas?”

Those memories washed over him again—teaching her how to swim, holding her close in the water, knowing in that moment that he must have her. Forever. And now he did.


“Yes, you are correct. Absolutely superb.”

She blushed again as Thornwood chuckled.

“Quite besotted, I’d say.” Thornwood set down his cup and grinned at Catherine. “Yes, he’s definitely smitten.”

Catherine beamed, flushing a deeper red but looking quite pleased. She scooped up his cup and set it on the tray. After grabbing Nicholas’s empty plate, she laid it with the other dirty dishes, pulled the bell, and sat down beside him.

Fredericks was quick to arrive with a footman and efficiently cleared the mess while the trio sat silently. “Will there be anything else, my lord?”

Nicholas contemplated Fredericks. He just could not bring himself to believe the man guilty of trying to harm the family. “No, Fredericks, that will be all.”

As the door closed behind the servant, Thornwood turned to him, all his earlier playfulness gone. “I suspect you did not bring me here to celebrate your newfound bliss. Your message sounded urgent.”

Leave it to Thornwood to dispense with subtleties. He could talk a hound out of a round of beef when he wanted to, but one-to-one, he preferred to get straight to the point. He’d always been like that.

“I need your advice.” Nicholas paused. He needed more than friendly guidance.Damn, this is bloody awkward.Catherine placed her hand on his arm, its warmth giving him the strength he needed to share honestly. He placed his hand on hers and leaned forward, staring at Thornwood.

“Truth be told, I need your counsel.” He hesitated again. She gently squeezed his arm in encouragement. “And your discretion.”

Thornwood sat pensive, looking from him to Catherine and back again. “You have both. I assure you that what you share with me will remain in this room.”

Nicholas released his breath slowly, then breathed deeply again, trying to release his tension. He could trust the man. He knew it. Still, he needed fortification. It was a new habit he must consider tempering when this was all behind them.

He patted Catherine’s hand, then stood. “I find I need a bit of a bracer. Brandy?”