Page 63 of Love Denied

Chapter Thirty

If after every tempest come such calms, may the winds blow till they have waken’ddeath!


She lay onher back, relishing the weight of Nicholas’s leg tossed over her thighs. His steady breaths streamed across her cheek. She fought the urge to caress him, wanting him to continue his slumber so that she might remain wrapped tightly in this bliss. Shapes became furniture as the room lightened. She sighed. She’d been right to come back. Hehadneeded her.

For the first time in a long time, her world felt right. Nicholas had forgiven her. No. Much better than that. He understood why she had done what she’d done. They could move forward, begin their lives together.

He stirred, and she could no longer resist touching him, rubbing his back, tracing his spine to the dip at its base.

“Mmm.” He arched against her. “Mmm,” he murmured again.

Shifting so that she faced him, Catherine was rewarded with his hard length pressing against her thigh. Pushing the dark rebel locks from his forehead, she gazed into those azure depths. “My lord, you are finally fully awake.” She glanced down, then back up, grinning at her audaciousness. “Yes, definitely, fully awake.”

She laughed, and he growled, rolling her onto her back, nipping at her chin. He peppered her face with kisses, and she giggled with pleasure as he nibbled the end of her nose, then rubbed his nose gently back and forth across hers. He paused and drew back. Holding his weight on his elbows, he stared at her. The intensity of his gaze created an urgent pull in her womanhood.

“And you, my lady? Are you fully awake or are you yet to rouse?”

She lifted her body to his, rotating her hips, the girlish giggles receding. She felt every inch a woman with him now. His pupils dilated, darkening his eyes. Cupping his buttocks, she pushed against him, feeling daring and bold. He reached between them, tracing an enticing path.

“Indeed, my lady. I do believe you are ready to face this morn.” He maintained eye contact as he adjusted his position, swiftly entering her until he was firmly nested. He leaned in to rub noses again. “Mylady.”

Tears welled. She couldn’t help it. This was what she had longed for.

His smile tightened, then relaxed as understanding lit his face. He knew her so well. These tears were drawn from a well of joy.

He kissed one eye. “My love.” He kissed the other. “My life.”

She knew he meant it. Her entire being gurgled with happiness, the tears escaping.

“Catherine?” He drew further back, suddenly unsure.

“I’m just so happy. So incredibly content.” She wiped at her eyes, laughing at his confusion.

One corner of his lips tweaked in a wry smile, although his eyes were still lined by worry. “Ah. Perhaps this is one of the mysteries of what separates man from woman?”

“There isnothingseparating this man and woman.” She thrust up her hips and rotated indolently.

He cupped her face, stilling. “Nothing?”

She knew what he was asking and couldn’t blame him. He had faced nothing but lies and half-truths. She’d been party to the worst of those. He wanted no shades of gray in the light of day.

“Nothing, my love. Nothing.”

He slumped over her, his forehead pressing against hers. “Then I, too, have no bounds on my happiness.”

Languidly, leisurely, lovingly, his body began to move, sweeping them both along the path of forgiveness until neither could hold back. Together they surrendered to sweet release. Two became one, as they were meant to be.


Nicholas was starving.He’d not eaten since breakfast yesterday. Trailing his fingers across Catherine’s cheek, he swept back her hair. He loved her hair. Pulling a strand gently, he let its silky length slip through his fingers. A fine claret. His stomach rumbled.

She rolled toward him and kissed his skin. Unbelievably, his body stirred anew at the press of her lips. He pulled her up onto his chest, kissing her crown, luxuriating in the floral scent mingling with that of their lovemaking. She laughed at his grumbling stomach.

This was his Catherine. Free and joyful. She was back. He was back. He grinned down at the top of her head. They were back.

“I fear I missed dinner.” He kissed her again.