Page 49 of Love Denied

Nan. Catherine’s champion. A champion of them all.

She leaned in and kissed Nan’s cheek. “I love you, wise, old woman.”

Nan’s gnarled hands cupped her cheeks. “And I, you, lass. And I, you.”


Nicholas relaxed againstthe counterpane. After much fussing, Isaac had finally left. Still feeling overheated and clammy, Nicholas lay back against the pillows, flexing his hand. The cut was shallow and had stopped bleeding. Where to from here? Neither Catherine nor his father had denied his accusation. Where thehellto from here?

A light tap sounded at the door. When Fredericks realized Nicholas had not eaten since the morning, he’d said he would bring up a small plate. Perhaps this fog of disorientation would lift with a little replenishment.

“Enter,” Nicholas said.

A dark-haired girl paused in the doorway, staring at him. Well, not exactly at him. At a certain part of him. The heat of embarrassment warmed his cheeks, and he flicked the edge of the coverlet over his lap.Damn. He had thought Fredericks was bringing the food. Nicholas must mention to the man not to send maids to his room for service.

“My lord?” She seemed to hesitate, a slight flush climbing her cheeks.

“On the table by the window…” He faltered. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t recall her name. He must add to his ever-growing list of things to do to familiarize himself with all the household staff.

“Kate, my lord. Kate.” She set the tray on the table, then sauntered to the side of the bed. “Is there anything else, my lord?” She traced the curve of her lip with her tongue.

He remembered her now. She was the chit from his wedding night, and it was clear, once again, what she was offering. His cock twitched in response. Those were long, lonely years on the continent, and there’d been little respite on the home front, so he could not blame the poor, neglected thing. It would be so easy to bury all his pain in her. But this was not what he’d waited for. He had not abstained for four years to end up demeaning himself by dallying with the help.

“No. Thank you…Kate. That will be all. For now. For always.”

She frowned, petulance painting her face. “Are you sure, my lord?”

She placed a knee against the bed and reached beneath the cover, stunning him with her audacity when she grasped his cock and pulled its length, with an experience reflected in her knowing expression. But he had stayed the hands of many a whore on the continent.

He covered hers with his. “I am sure.”

“I…uh…apologize for interrupting…” Catherine stumbled over her words, her face ashen, her hand on her chest. “…my lord.” She turned and disappeared into the sitting room.

He wrenched the girl’s hand from his crotch, staring as the door closed.Bloody hell!

“Get out.” He pushed the girl from the bed. “Get out now.” He needed to go to Catherine.

The girl’s eyes lit with excitement. “Oh, but, my lord, I can pleasure you far better than your—”

“Wife? Mywife, you little fool!Yourmistress!”

She grinned. “As I could be yours, my lord.”

The girl moved quickly, pushing the cover from his waist, exposing his failing cockstand. Her tongue pursued its length. He froze in disbelief. Cold anger shivered down his spine, and he grabbed her mobcap, hair and sundry clasped in his fist, lifting her away. She reached for his hand, trying to lessen the pull, her eyes wide in shock.

“Get out of this room. Get out of this house. If ever I see your face again, I will bring you before the magistrate for solicitation.” He wanted to fling her across the room. Instead, he willed each finger to release its grip.

She rubbed her head, anger sparking from her dark eyes. “Oh, my lord, I so hope you do. For there is much I should like to share with the magistrate.”

“Get out!”

At last the chit heeded the command and headed for the exit. The light from the hall spilled softly into the room as she opened the door. She wheeled around and glared at him. “I shall leave this house. But make no mistake, sir, if I do not receive a good reference and severance”—malice darkened her eyes, although her sneer softened—“I myself will seek out the magistrate,” she finished almost sweetly.

For the third time this night, a door clicked closed, the sound echoing ominously in the room.