Cali continues along the wall and begins setting up the third orchid. “She said that I don’thaveto do everything, and that I just think I do because I don’t trust people.”

I take a step closer, gingerly, waiting for her to say anything else. When she doesn’t, I take another step forward until the heat from her body and smell her perfume evade the air around me. “Do you think she’s right?”

Cali turns to me and the tears well in her eyes. In one blink, they trail down her cheeks, and my heart breaks seeing her so upset like this. I set the remaining orchid on the front desk and wrap my arms around her, pulling her tightly against my chest as she gently sobs.

She doesn’t answer for a long time. The only sound that fills the room is her soft crying. I keep my arms around her, a protective need coursing through me as I try to comfort her.

“Cali, can I ask you something?”

She nods against my chest.

“Do you trust me?”

She finally looks up at me, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Maybe more than I trust myself, Quill. I’ve never felt as protected as I do when I’m in your arms.”

“Then let me help you. It’s time you let someone in, Cali. You’re not alone, and you don’t have to feel that way. I can be your rock. I can be that person you lean on when the weight of everything becomes too much. I can make sure I’m there for you, forever and always. All you have to do is let me. I love you, Cali.”

She stares up at me as more tears form in her eyes, though this time there’s a smile on her face. She presses up to her tip-toes and plants her lips on mine, sucking the very air from my lungs as her kiss leaves me completely breathless.

“I love you too, Quill.”

We might have met at a place with the unconventional name, but it’s our love that’ll have us growing beautifully together from now on.