Page 12 of Fair Game

The corners of her mouth turned up in a smile. “Are you agreeing that I’m a distraction?”

He laughed and shook his head, then gave her ass a squeeze and pressed her against the erection he’d given up holding at bay. “What do you think?”

“I think you’d better show me the bedroom, Mr. Murphy.”


Alexa followed Nick into the nightclub, noting the wad of bills he’d passed the bouncer on their way past the line out front. Music thumped from the bowels of the club. It grew louder as they made their way down a long hall, purple lights casting Nick’s face in odd shadows, his teeth glowing white when he grinned.

They emerged onto a huge warehouse-type space packed with people. Large screens displayed an assortment of organic imagery that mimicked the ocean and moved in time to the music. She spotted three different bars plus a glass-walled smoking room off to one side, several people lounging on sofas and deep-seated chairs inside.

Nick said something, but if he hadn’t looked at her she wouldn’t have had any idea he’d spoken. There wasn’t a hope in hell of hearing him over the music, something sensual with a techno beat that was already working its way through her body, issuing a primal call to move.

She shrugged and laughed, and he pointed to the bar, then mimicked drinking from a glass.

She nodded and he held her hand tighter and made a path through the crowd of writhing bodies, everyone moving to the music that seemed to come from everywhere all at once.

It had been a perfect day. They’d walked the market to buy bananas and pineapple and shaved coconut, fresh fish that had been caught that very morning, crusty bread that was still warm from the oven, and an assortment of other food that they probably wouldn’t be able to finish in the time they planned to be in Cuba.

They’d wandered hand in hand, Alexa’s big brimmed hat shielding her face from the worst of the sun, the market’s scents and sounds wiping away her life in Boston and the complications of her relationship with Nick.

He seemed to feel it too, his shoulders more relaxed than usual under a loose linen shirt, his smile readier than it was in Boston. It felt like they’d been there forever, like they could stay forever, and they’d returned to the house and unloaded the groceries, cooked the fish for lunch, and made love for the second time in the big bed on the second floor of the house.

They’d descended a set of stairs off the patio to swim at the private beach, and she’d floated on her back, sighing as the ocean cradled her in its arms. They’d slept for two hours, then gotten ready for the evening, which had so far consisted of drinks and a simple but exquisite dinner overlooking the water.

Now they were out among the rest of civilization, something that would have been impossible in Boston where one of her coworkers or a member of the Murphy family might spot them. Here there were no secrets, no complications, and she sank into it, moving with the music while Nick ordered their drinks.

She felt free and sexy in a strappy white jersey dress that clung to her breasts and waist before flaring to a drapey skirt perfect for dancing. She’d piled her hair on top of her head as a way to deal with the heat and had kept her makeup simple and natural except for a touch of scarlet lipstick.

Nick handed her one of the drinks in his hand and they moved away from the bar to the edge of the dance floor. She took a sip of the drink and was hit with an explosion of pineapple followed by the deep burn of alcohol.

“What is this?” she mouthed to Nick.

He shrugged and took a long drink from the glass in his hand.

She laughed and took another sip, her hips moving to the music, her mind letting go of everything but this night, this moment, this man standing next to her that made her feel like anything was possible.

She looked at him in appreciation over the rim of her glass. He was sexier than ever in a tailored deep purple shirt, open to show a sliver of his sculpted chest. His fitted gray slacks hugged his athletic thighs in all the right places, giving her enough of a glimpse at the significant package underneath to send a shiver of anticipation up her spine.

The song changed to something vaguely familiar, a dance track from the U.S. that had been amped up with a Latin beat.

Nick leaned toward her. His lips brushed against her ear and a shiver ran up her spine. “Let’s dance.”

She nodded and slugged her drink, then set it on a ledge against the wall.

He took her hand and led her toward the dance floor. She wondered if crowds always parted for him, if they sensed something in him that made them want to give him room or if the drink caused her eyes to play tricks on her.

They entered the dance floor and wedged themselves into the throng at its center, everyone gyrating in time to the music exploding from the speakers. It had been forever since she’d been dancing, but the alcohol had already loosened her inhibitions. She quickly found a rhythm, raising her hands in the air and moving her hips to the beat. It vibrated up from the floor, moving through her legs and into the center of her belly, awakening the desire that was never truly dormant since she’d been seeing Nick.

He’d brought her body back to life, igniting a level of passion she hadn’t known she possessed in the mechanical sex that she’d experienced in the past. Release had been little more than a task to attend to — like going to the gym or brushing her teeth.

But her lovemaking with Nick took on a life of its own. Sensual and slow, she gave herself over to the sensations he aroused in her body, relished the glide of his hand over her skin, the heat of his mouth at the center of her body, the perfect completion of his cock inside her. Just the thought of it sent a rush of wet heat to her sex and she leaned back as Nick moved behind her on the dance floor.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder as his hands slid around her waist, resting low on her stomach as they moved in time to the music. It became part of them, a silk ribbon binding their movements.

His shaft was rigid against her back. She knew what it would feel like when he slid into her, watching her face with lust and possession.

He kissed her neck, the soft touch of his lips making her nipples hard. A shiver ran down her spine as his hands crept lower on her stomach, sliding down her thighs, his thumbs close to her center. Her clit throbbed with the proximity, begging for his touch, and she pressed harder against him. The fact that they were surrounded by people barely registered in her mind. There were so many of them they provided a kind of cover, many of them making out on the dance floor, in their own erotic fantasy, oblivious to anyone around them.