Page 44 of Fair Game

“I told you: I’m bored as fuck.”

“You’re not fucking with me are you?” Nick asked.

Declan shook his head. “I’m not fucking with you. Jesus. Obviously it was dumb as fuck to get involved with someone at the AG’s office, but it is what it is. I’m just curious about the case. Walker sounds like a fucking sociopath.”

“That would be my diagnosis too,” Nick said. “I can send you the files if you want.” He didn’t need to remind Declan that information sent via their encrypted network was confidential.

Declan nodded. “I’ll take a look. Maybe I can help.”

“You’d do that?” Nick asked.

“You’re my brother, and Walker sounds dangerous. Besides, what else do I have to do?”

“I’ll send the files.” Nick hesitated. “Ronan still pissed?”

“I wouldn’t say pissed is the right word. Not anymore. I think he’s more worried,” Declan said.

“About what specifically?” Nick asked.

“About you. About the business. About Julia and the baby. He’s got a lot on his plate.”

“I don’t blame him for being concerned,” Nick said.

Declan stood. “Send me that stuff. I’m not into politics but I don’t want that asshole becoming a Senator.” He started for the door and then turned around like he’d forgotten something. “Tell me the truth: can we trust her?”

“We can trust her,” Nick said without hesitation. “I can’t get into it more than that right now, but I’ll have more to tell you soon.”

“If you say we can trust her, I trust her,” Declan said. “Don’t worry about Ronan. He’ll come around.”


Alexa sat across from Imani and forced herself not to look away. The silence was heavy with the implication of everything Alexa had just said, everything she’d revealed. Imani probably needed time to process, to formulate a response, and that was the least she deserved after everything she’d done for Alexa.

“I know I don’t have to tell you that this is a very serious situation,” Imani finally said.

“I know. I’m sorry to put you in this position.” Alexa looked down at her hands, folded over the red pencil skirt she’d worn to give herself courage. “You’ve been nothing but good to me, and I hope you’ll believe me when I say betraying your trust, betraying the trust of my position here, is the last thing I ever wanted to do.”

Imani turned her palms to the sky. “And yet…”

“It wasn’t intentional,” Alexa said, “but I won’t do you the disservice of saying it just happened. I made choices — all along the way I made choices. I’m responsible for the position I find myself in, and regrettably, I’m also responsible for the position I’ve put you in. I’d like to resign my position here, effectively immediately, but if you need to fire me to cover your ass, I get it.”

Imani folded her hands on the desk in front of her. “I think the terminology we’re both looking for is ‘leave of absence pending a misconduct inquiry.’’’

Alexa could hardly breathe around the words — words she’d never in a million years expected to hear in connection with her name, her work.

“I’ll pack my things,” Alexa said.

“I’ll have to call security.” Regret shone from Imani’s eyes.

Shame burned Alexa’s face, but it wasn’t unexpected. They dealt with information of a highly confidential nature. Her permissions for the network would be revoked before she hit her office to pack. Her badge would be taken. She would be observed while she packed her things to ensure she didn’t take anything confidential or proprietary.

“I understand.”

Imani’s dark eyes studied her. “You have so much promise, Alexa. Help me understand.”

Alexa thought about how to answer the question. “My parents have been married for thirty-five years. They dated for five years before that, which means they’ve been together since they were fifteen. They’re best friends. They finish each other’s sentences. I still catch my dad looking at my mom a certain way, like she’s the sun and moon and all the stars in between. You know?”

Imani nodded.