Page 53 of Wicked Game

“How’s the paperwork looking for the evidentiary hearing for Orion?” Imani asked.

“Another couple days,” Alexa said. “We’ll be ready.”

She waited for Imani to ask if she was okay, but the other woman just nodded. “Great.” Thank god it was still cold enough for a turtleneck to hide the marks around her neck. “Did you make a decision about the investigator for the Murphy case?”

Alexa kept her expression neutral, her voice steady. “I think we should do it,” she said. “Cover all the bases before we close the file.”

“I’ll have him contact you,” Imani said. “Try to wrap it up one way or another within the next couple of months.”

“You got it,” Alexa said.

She turned her chair to face the window, looking out on the city she loved, the city that had broken and protected her, the city whose laws she’d sworn to uphold.

She wouldn’t feel disloyal to Nick for doing her job. They were both grown-ups. He had to do his — whatever it was — and she had to do hers. She’d meant what she’d said: she wanted to be with him.

But she had to know.

One way or another, she had to know.