Page 14 of A Love So Wrong

"Thank you," I reply groggily and in return he offers me a smile. "Are you staying here?" I ask hopefully even though I know he's not. There's no way he'd send me into the mall by myself especially after what Daddy said to him before he left."Do not let her out of your sight. Georgie has a way of finding trouble."

I took extreme offense to that; I've not been in any trouble or caused any mischief in weeks. I don't look for trouble, trouble always seems to find me.

"No, ma'am. I'll be by your side at all times."

I raise my brow and can't help but smile. "Even when I'm in the changing room?"

His face flames. "No, ma'am, I'll be outside the room."

"Porter, I was joking." I step out of the car and he stands a little taller. "I shouldn't be too long here. I just need to get a few things."

He nods and walks beside me as we enter the mall. "It's okay, ma'am, take your time.”

"Thank you. Would you like a cup of coffee?" I ask, spotting the Starbucks. I notice his gaze flicker to the store, something flashes in his eyes but he shakes his head. "Are you sure, I'm going to get myself a drink."

He smiles once again. "That would be great, thanks." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet.

"It's on me, you're stuck babysitting me. It's the least that I can do."

"Appreciate it, ma'am, a strong black coffee please." I nod as he follows me into the coffee shop. I queue up and he waits for me, only feet away. I order his coffee and wait for the barista to make it. The heat of Porter's stare makes me turn, his eyes narrowed on me as the barista hands me the coffee.

"Here you go," I say sweetly as I pass him the cup.

"What happened to your drink?"

I shrug. "You wanted coffee but didn't want to get one unless I was, so I lied."

He shakes his head but the smile is still firmly in place. "Thank you, ma'am."

I groan, "Please, Porter, call me Georgina or better yet Georgia."

He contemplates it for a moment and I think he's about to say no but he nods. "Okay."

"Good, okay, first stop is Gap," I instruct him. I need a new hoodie and I love the ones from there. Porter nods and takes a sip of his coffee, never once missing a step beside me. It's actually reassuring having him here with me.

What was only meant to be a quick shopping trip has so far turned into three hours and a lunch break. Porter has dutifully stayed by my side throughout, he was grateful for the lunch break. I think he’s had enough and wants to go home although he hasn’t said as much. I feel bad keeping him out this long especially as his job description doesn’t include babysitting me; he’s to be with Wayne. Although he hasn’t brought Hardy or Porter with him, while the thought of keeping me safe is sweet, what about him? Surely if he needed them in the first place, he still does?

Walking into Victoria’s Secret it’s time to buy some pretty lingerie, something that’ll send Daddy over the edge. I love the way his eyes darken when he sees me in my sexiest underwear but I’ve never had any lingerie, something I’m about to rectify.

"Umm," Porter says and I glance behind me to see his face turning bright red. "I'll wait outside."

I laugh, "I won't be long. I promise." I actually won't. I had browsed online and saw what I wanted so I just need to get them in my size and then we can go. I'm hoping that I'll be home before Daddy gets there and that way I can surprise him.

"Okay. I'll be watching," he tells me and I nod, he looks so uncomfortable and I feel bad.

I quickly walk into the store, and instantly want everything. I'm a sporadic shopper, I only buy when I'm in the mood and glancing at all the sexy underwear makes me want them all. I tamp down my impulse and look for the items I came here for, a pink teddy with matching thong, a couple of bras and panties, and a silky negligee.

I find them all within ten minutes, I may have picked up a few other things, all of them sexy. I seriously can’t wait to get home and try them all on. I know that Daddy’s going to go crazy when he sees me in them. I pay for them and the woman behind the counter gives me a knowing smile, although if she really knew who they’re for, that smile wouldn’t be so bright.

“Thank you," I say to Porter as I exit the store. "Did you need to get anything while we're here?"

He stands up straighter. "No thank you, Georgia."

I nod. "Ready to go?"

He sighs with relief, "God, yes."

"It wasn't that bad was it?"