Page 8 of A Love So Wrong

She's fucking goading me. There's only so much I can take before I snap and when I do, I'm going to fuck her hard. She won't be allowed out of the bed for a week.

"Baby girl, I'm warning you now, you keep going and I'm going to tie you to that bed."

She captures her bottom lip between her teeth as she throws her head back. Fuck. She's everything I never knew I wanted. The girl wants everything I want to give her and I have no doubt that she'll take it. Not only will she take it, she'll enjoy it and beg me for more.

"Having your sexy body on mine makes me want to fuck you all night long but, baby girl. Not tonight. I promise you, I want you.”

She nods, there's no façade right now, it's just me and her. "Okay, Daddy." The way she softly says daddy drives me crazy, that's one thing she's going to do while I fuck her, call me daddy. I was never into it before but hearing her say it, calling me it.

Fuck yeah I'm into it.

"Good girl. Get dressed and come downstairs, we're watching a movie."

Her eyes light up. "We are?"

"Yeah, we are." It's not often that we get to spend time together. But I'm going to make sure I carve out time for her.

She smiles and her entire face brightens, she's pure beauty from head to toe. "Do I get to pick the movie?"

I kiss her again, this time a little harder, I want her to get used to us doing this. I may not be fucking her right now, but I'm definitely going to need her close.

"Fuck no," I say as I walk out of her room. I can hear her mumbling, probably bitching about not being able to choose. "But you can choose where we order take out."

"Pizza!" she yells. I should have known, that's the one thing she loves, she's got a banging body and the girl eats as if food's going out of fashion.

Once I'm downstairs, I walk into my office, as I’d left my cell down here when I went up to Georgie. Glancing at it I see I have a text and three missed calls. All three calls are from Hardy.

I call the pizza place and order our food, before I call him back.

“How did you find this out?”

He sighs heavily, “Boss, Debbie’s made no secret to her exes that Georgina is fair game.”

I see red. “Gather every single piece of intel you can on Debbie. Georgie thinks we’re going to have a fight on our hands when Debbie finds out about us. I don’t give a shit, that bitch is going down.”

“It’ll be my fucking pleasure. I’ll have extra security on the house too.”

“Not here. I’m taking her out of the city.”

“What about school?” he questions, sounding slightly relieved.

“I’ll hire a tutor.” I can commute, it’s not that far, but Georgie needs to be somewhere safe and with Debbie knowing this address, that’s not here.

“I’ll get on it, boss. You just need to focus on your girl.” He ends the call and I stare at my cell seeing a message from Debbie. She has the actual nerve to ask how Georgie is. I don’t bother sending her a message back; I don’t want to talk to her. Hardy was right, I need to focus on Georgie.



I've finally managed to let my guard down. Since moving into this house and finding the comfort of Dad and the stability he gave, I've become someone I don't know. I'm taking risks with my heart that I don't normally do. I'm trusting men and I certainly don't do that. I need to go back to how things were, my frame of mind needs to switch. Being like this only leads to heartache and I've had enough pain to last me a lifetime.

Dad thinks I put on a façade, he's right, I do. I need people to see that they can't hurt me, hell I tell myself that so many times in hopes that once, just once, I'll actually believe it.

He's sitting on the couch with a beer in his hand, not once has he looked at me. We've had dinner and sat in silence, something that hasn't happened before. He's usually talkative, needing the conversation. But right now, the way his jaw's grinding tells me that whatever the hell he's thinking about has him angry.

I get to my feet. I'm going to go to bed and hope that tomorrow is a better day, that he'll wake up in a better mood. Dad doesn't say a word as I climb the stairs, that hurts more than anything. I've given him more of myself than I have ever given to anyone before and for what? A couple of kisses and some meaningless words?

Stripping down out of my pajamas I climb into bed, wishing that things were different and that Dad and I would be closer—free. Closing my eyes, I sigh, hoping that sleep will come quickly and peacefully. It doesn’t take me long until sleep claims me.