“Do you mean that?” He stands up and walks over to me. “Do you really want me to do what I want?”

I have a feeling I know where this is going. Raven’s staring at me like he wants to devour me, and I can feel my knees going weak. Raven’s huge, and gorgeous, and I can’t help but remember the night I had with the three of them.

Raven reaches me, putting his hands on my hips. His breath shudders out almost like he’s scared of how much he wants this.

I’ll be honest, I’m scared too of how much I want this. I want what we had the other night. I want Raven to touch me again, kiss me again, and I know that he can read my expression and tell that I want it too.

“Yes,” I tell him. And I mean it, more than I’ve ever meant anything.

As if that single word is all he’s been waiting to hear, Raven pulls me in by the hips and kisses me.

Oh, fuck, yes.

All three men kiss so differently. Raven’s intense but thorough, deliberate, like he’s going to take me apart slowly, piece by piece, until I’m a complete wreck. His hands ground me, and I slide my own hands over his arms, feeling the muscles, knowing his tattoos are under my fingers, sliding beneath the pads like ink.

I should probably stop and keep my level head. I can’t keep sleeping with these men when I don’t know if I want them as my mates or not—or if I even want a mate at all. But fuck, he kisses so well. I feel like I’m slowly melting, bit by bit, not a boiling heat but a simmering one.

Raven’s hands slide down to my thighs, lifting me up, and I squeak in surprise—I don’t squeak. He carries me the few steps across to the large bed, lying me down on the bed, my legs spread as he settles between them. His body is so heavy and broad on top of mine, it sends a delicious thrill through me. I love it.

I wrap my legs around him, uncaring in the moment about whether this is right or wrong, about whether this is the smart thing to do. Raven’s practically vibrating, and the idea that someone needs me that much, wants me that much? It’s such a turn on.

I’ve never had anyone be so open in their desire for me. It’s intoxicating.

We keep kissing, I have no idea for how long, and I can feel Raven’s cock hardening against me. Fuck, yes. I know that I should put a stop to this, but I want it so badly, I want Raven so intensely that I can’t think straight. His hands are sliding up underneath my clothes, tugging on my hair, he’s kissing down my neck…

Then the front door opens.

Raven leaps to his feet, snarling as he transforms into his gargoyle form, clearly ready to fight whoever he has to in order to protect me.

“Just us,” Cain says cheerfully, striding in behind North and closing the door.

Awkwardness falls.

North and Cain both tilt their heads, staring hungrily at the two of us as they realize what they interrupted. Raven shifts back to his more human form, glancing back and forth between all of us, clearly a bit embarrassed.

I have no idea what to think or feel, how to handle this. Part of me is still buzzing with desire and energy. But I can’t do this. I’m trying to keep my head above water with Donovan, and I still don’t know about this mate business. I can’t toy with their hearts like this.

“Um.” I sit up and adjust my clothes. “I’m going to, uh, go brush my teeth. Get ready for bed.”

Feeling like a coward, I scurry into the bathroom and shut the door. Bracing my hands on the sink, I try to calm myself down with several deep breaths.

Clearly, my desire for them is overriding my common sense. That’s never happened to me before. It’s great in some ways but absolutely terrifying in others. My whole life I’ve only been able to rely on myself and my judgment. I’ve never trusted anyone. How can I handle myself if I’m compromised by my desire for these men?

I still have no idea what to say when I exit the bathroom again, but I have to deal with this. This isn’t a huge safe house, after all.

I don’t see North, but Cain and Raven are doing some kind of… thing against the wall. A door opens, as if they’ve just created it. Cain looks over his shoulder and sees me.

“We thought you might want a room of your own,” he explains.

Raven looks sheepish.

I want to tell Raven that this isn’t his fault that I’m… fucked up. But I don’t know what to say. “Thanks. I, uh, hope you two sleep well.”

“Of course.” Cain bows elaborately, clearly doing it on purpose, and gestures for me to enter the room.

It’s a small room, and I realize that it’s actually a panic room that the two men have modified to be a bedroom for the evening. They must’ve been hard at work with the magic and supplies while I was panicking in the bathroom.

Clever of them, actually, to have an additional panic room. Nobody thinks, once they’ve found the safe house, that there could possibly be yet another hiding space inside. Because they think they’ve already found it.