Page 46 of River of Flames

He chuckled. "A good note."

"Don't get cocky," I said, giving his shoulder a little nip.

"I mean," he said, "you came here for books."

I propped myself up on his chest and gazed down at him. "I did," I said. "I'm still here for the books, actually."

One side of his mouth curved in a smile. "Oh?"

I indicated my eyes. "In case you'd forgotten.”

The smile faded, and he nodded. "I had not," he said. "I was hoping that we might—but yes."

"What exactly are you looking for?" he asked, once we were clothed again and standing in front of the endless rows of shelves in his living room.

"I have no idea," I admitted. "Something to explain…” I gestured vaguely at my eyes. "Everything."

He raised an eyebrow, and the movement made me want to throw myself at him all over again. "And you believe the answer to your question can be found in my collection?"

"I hoped?" I said, shrugging. "I mean, whatever is going on, it started with the dig site and the book. It has to be related. And I haven't seen this many books on ancient archaeology and theology outside of a university library. I thought…there might be something to help."

"Hm." He knelt down, running his long fingers over the spines on the bottom shelf, before pulling out a heavy tome bound in pale brown leather. "I do not have a lot that deals specifically with the fort at Old Kulmeira. But I believe it is mentioned in here. Also…” He extracted another book, narrow and much less worn. "This is a collection from a local historian of folktales and regional myths. A little more superstitious, but it may be of use." He handed the books to me, our fingers brushing in the process. "You are welcome to see if there is anything else of interest."

"Thank you." I hugged the books to my chest and knelt next to him. "I wanted so hard to believe there is a rational explanation to everything that is happening, but after today, I wonder if I should begin to consider some…less logical possibilities."

Luca turned a curious gaze on me. "What happened today?"

I shook my head, setting the books down on the floor by my side. "Nothing, it's silly, really. I ran into a woman I met on the flight here. Apparently she owns an antique shop in Palia, and she said some things that…well, I mean, she didn't make any sense, but she thinks we shouldn't be excavating in Old Kulmeira."

His brows lifted. "What did she say?"

I shrugged helplessly. "I'm not even really sure. But there was a moment there when I almost thought her eyes…I don't know. She's the one who gave me the ring, though. For protection, she said. It's silly, it's not like I could even wear it while I'm digging, anyway, but—"

"What ring?" Luca asked. He glanced down. His expression flickered, and he pulled in a sharp breath before taking my hand in his and tracing his fingers over the heavy stones.

"Where did you say you got it?" he said, not releasing my hand.

"I told you, the old lady in the antique shop gave it to me. She said it would protect me. I…” I trailed off, unsure I wanted to mention the way the ring had seemed to resize itself to my hand, or anything else that might make me seem entirely unhinged.

Luca dropped my hand and looked up to meet my eyes. I couldn't read his expression at all, and his posture was stiff.

"River. I have seen a ring like this before, only once. I am beginning to think the answer you seek is not to be found in a book."

My shoulders began to sag, but he wasn't finished.

"I believe I may instead know of a person who can help you."

My spirits lifted as hope bloomed in my chest. "You know someone who knows what's happening to me?"

"I know of someone," he corrected. "Who may be able to help. But he is far from here, in the mountains of eastern Velarta. It will take some time. When is your next day off?"

"Um." I had to think. "Not until Tuesday. But Dr. Blanton will give me the time off if I need it; I know she will. Besides, I can't exactly show up for work in the morning looking like this." I gestured to my eyes.

That put a smile on his lips. "Then let me take you home. You need rest. And in the morning, we will see what can be done."


Luca left me on the curb outside my dorm, my cheek still warm from the press of his hand and his whispered words—stay safe—in my head. It was only when the taillights of his car faded into the distance and the rapidly-cooling night air cleared some of the cobwebs from my mind that reality slammed against me with all the subtlety of a fist to the gut. All the air whooshed out of my lungs and I sat down hard on the front steps of the dorm as my legs gave out from beneath me.