Page 89 of Meet Again



The days following Christmas have been full of me finalizing my workshop presentation and practicing the choreography nonstop until it’s engraved in my mind like a timeless dedication on metal.

I’ve spent time with Hudson as well. He tends to show up at the studio while I’m working. We have lunch or dinner depending on the day, sometimes both.

Having this undisturbed time with him has allowed my hopes to get the best of me, and saying goodbye to him in two days will be hard. My heart swells when I’m with him, and the fall of not seeing him every day will hit hard. However, I can’t seem to use that as enough excuse to stay away. I’m in deep—we both are.

At least we have tonight. New Year’s Eve is always a bittersweet holiday for me. The start of a new year is exciting, but ever since I broke up with Hudson, I have wished I had someone to celebrate it with. Christmas is about family. New Year’s is about friends and love, sharing intentions for the coming year, and making plans with someone special.

It may not be that way for everyone, but it was one day a year that I missed Hudson. It reminded me of another spin around the sun that I’d live out my dreams and leave behind the ones we made together.

I take a deep breath, and towel dry my hair before blow-drying it. Ellie and Hope are coming over to get dressed together and help me set up for our New Year’s Eve gathering. This year it’s my turn to host, and I’ve been excitedly making all kinds of appetizers despite everyone bringing something to share.

As I’m preheating the oven for the baked brie, the doorbell rings. I skip over with a wide grin and swing the door open. Hope and Ellie squeal and hug me simultaneously. I wrap my arms around them as we laugh.

“Come in.” I step away from the door. “It’s freezing out there.”

Between my heater, my cozy sweats, and thick socks, I hadn’t thought about the weather. It’s been snowing on and off since before Christmas, making the holidays feel extra special. Of course, that could have something to do with Hudson, too.

“Brrr…yeah. I think the temps have dropped.” Ellie scrubs her arms in an attempt to warm up.

“They said it would be an intense winter.”

“Really?” I lift my brows at Hope.

“Yeah, as if we never get cold weather here,” she shrugs and snorts.

Laughing, I close the door and usher them into my room. “I was just preheating the oven before working on my hair.”

“Are you finally curling it?” Hope smiles.

“Yeah. Any chance you wanna be the bestest best friend and do it for me?” I smile eagerly, hoping she’s unable to turn me down.

“I resent this. Just because I don’t know how to use that thing,” Ellie points at my wand as if it’s offensive, “doesn’t mean I’m not the bestest best friend.”

“You’re right,” I hug her. “You’re the bestest, too.”

“That’s better,” she sighs. “I shouldn’t get judged based on my lack of beauty skills. I was born and raised on a farm, and my mother isn’t exactly a pro with getting dressed up. Not enough to teach me.”

“That’s why you have us,” Hope throws her hands in the air. “We’ll make you look like a knockout.”

“I’m not sure why. It’s not like I’ll meet some handsome stranger and make eye contact and fall in love,” Ellie frowns with a deep sigh.

“It’s not for the man you’ll meet someday. It’s for you, babes.” Hope wraps an arm around her.

“I know, I know. I’m just emotional today. Ignore me.” She waves her hand in the air and smiles. “Let’s get ready.”

I exchange a look with Hope, but she shrugs and turns on the wand. I grab us some water, and we’re soon a flurry of activity between doing our makeup and hair and preparing the food.

“Oh my goodness, yessss.” Hope dances around my kitchen. “Your mom made her crema de…” Her hand makes a circular motion as if prompting me to speak.

“De vie,” I tell her. It’s the Cuban version of eggnog spiked with rum, and it’s the most delicious treat. We only have it this time of year, and it’s a hundred times better than regular eggnog.

“I’m so excited.” She bounces around.

Her excitement is contagious. I feel like dancing around all over my house. I put on music, and we all start yelling to a Kip Moore song as we move around the kitchen. Once the food is plated, we’ll get dressed to avoid any disasters. It wouldn’t be the first time I dirtied my outfit because I didn’t follow my gut instinct.