Page 72 of Meet Again

“I know what you mean. It’s hard to shop for my mom, too. What do you buy a woman who spends her life on a farm?” Ellie frowns.

“Does she need new boots?” Hope offers.

“Probably, but she’s stubborn and likes her worn-in boots.” Ellie grabs a dress and stares at it longingly.

“That’s beautiful.” I point to it.

“Yeah, but following in my mother’s footsteps, I also spend my life on the farm.” She places it back on the rack.

“Get it for the bachelorette party,” Hope suggests.

“I could…” Ellie runs her fingers along the fabric. “Maybe I’ll try it on.”

“Well, I need to figure out what to get Toby. He’s the only one I’m missing, and I have no clue.”

“I mean, you’re going to take his last name. I think that’s a fantastic gift,” I joke.

“Ha. It is. I wouldn’t take just anyone’s last name.” Hope laughs and shakes her head. “Between the wedding and house hunting and work, things have been so hectic. I thought about a weekend getaway, but then we already have the trip to Winford.”

“Are you getting Hudson a gift?” Ellie glances over at me.

“I have no idea. Are we at that point? What would I even get him?” I’ve questioned this for the past few days. Is it presumptuous of me to get him a gift? Would it be too much too fast?

“You can get him something small.”

I look at Hope. “Any ideas?” My brows lift.

“We’ll find something.” She nods with the confidence I lack.

“Says the woman who doesn’t know what to get her fiancé.” I bump my shoulder with hers.

“I’m kind of relieved I don’t need to worry about buying a gift for a partner,” Ellie grabs the dress. “I’m going to try it on. Why not?”

“Atta girl,” Hope cheers.

I continue searching racks until I find a long black and white glen plaid wool coat that my mom would love. It’s classic with a modern twist.

“This is it.” I hold it up.

“That’s beautiful,” Hope nods. “Your mom will love it.”

“I think so, too. One down, one to go.”

“You mean two to go,” she winks.

I toss my head back with a sigh.

“Oh! You know what would be a cool gift!” Hope’s eyes light up like she hit the jackpot.

I stare at her with furrowed brows and wait for her to continue.

“A custom candle with the scent of your perfume. Like that when he’s in New York, he can turn it on and smell you.”

I burst out laughing. “That is so strange. Smell me?”

“It’s genius and something totally unique.”

“It is unique, but it also sounds like something out of a creepy movie.”