Page 70 of Meet Again

She must feel the connection, too, because she freezes, her eyes wide and unmoving. I smirk and step out of the car, taking my sweet time to get to her. Lex’s eyes track me as I approach her, and I once again feel like a king.

“Ready?” I hold her hand.

“Yes.” Her chest rises and falls with a heavy breath before I guide her through the lines of trees, each of us with a cup of hot cocoa the owners offered us upon arrival.

“There are so many to choose from.” Her head moves around all over the place.

“We have plenty of time to pick one.”

“Thank you for this.” She pauses and turns to me.

“You don’t need to thank me.” I squeeze her hand. “Now, let’s find you a tree.”

We wander through the different trees, pointing out the ones we like. We’re both prolonging the process. If Lex is thinking the same as I am, it’s so we stay together longer, spending as much time as possible.

Children run around with their parents hot on their heels. Others are picking out and paying for their tree. I’m more focused on the woman beside me.

“Did you finally decide what you’re doing for Christmas?” Lex tilts her head and looks up at me.

“I haven’t spoken to my parents yet,” I confess. After what Toby told me in November about how my parents tried to ruin Lex’s chances of opening her studio, I haven’t wanted to face them. I don’t understand their motives, and it drives me insane.

“Oh, okay.” She nods.

“Let’s pick out a tree. I think we have plenty to narrow down from.” I smile.

“I like this one.” She runs her fingers against the needle leaves. It’s a full, medium-size tree.

“I think it’s perfect for your place.” I reach for her empty cup and stack it with mine to throw out. “Be right back.” I kiss her cheek and head to the table at the entrance to ask for the saw.

Once I return, Lex smiles and claps her hands. I bend down on the ground, lifting a few of the lower branches so I can see the trunk clearly and start to saw it down.

“I won’t lie, it’s fun watching you use a saw on this tree. Quite the show. I wonder if I can gather some wood and watch you split it?” Lex’s eyes shine with mischief.

“I’ll buy an ax and unlimited wood supply,” I challenge.

Lex holds the top of the tree to guide it as I finish sawing.

When I stand, I eye her with a raised eyebrow. She’s fighting back a smile by chewing her lips.

“I’d do anything for you, even if it means standing in the snow, chopping wood while you watch from the window.” I brush back a strand of hair, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly.

Then, I’m carrying her new tree to the owner at the check-out table, and Lex rushes behind me once she’s gathered her wits.

“What are you doing?” Lex glares at the wallet in my hand.


“Absolutely not. This is my tree.” She can fight me all she wants, but I’m buying her the tree.

“Right,” I appease her and hand the man some cash.

“Hudson Remington.” Her voice is firm and angry.

I look over at her with a smile. “Let me do this.”

She opens her mouth to argue and shuts it again. She finally realized this was a losing battle. I smile triumphantly and get my change while the owner’s son wraps the tree. Once it’s secured on the roof of my car, I drive us back into town and toward Lex’s house.

“You didn’t have to pay.” She crosses her arms in the seat beside me.